First day of Scouting

Robert steps out of the building, his eyes scanning the surroundings as he takes in the busy streets, filled with people bustling about their daily routines.

He takes a deep breath, steadying his nerves as he prepares to embark on his mission.

With a determined gait, he sets off towards the area that had caught his attention during his investigation of the documents the previous day.

As he walks, he takes in his surroundings, noting any suspicious activity or potential clues that could lead him closer to the truth.

Despite the crowds of people, Robert maintains his focus, keeping his eyes peeled for any signs of the ascendant responsible for the chaos that had befallen the city.

He knows that he must be cautious, that any misstep could result in his untimely demise.

As he traverses the streets, his senses are heightened, his mind constantly analyzing the environment for any potential threats.

He takes note of the different people he e

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