Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Sara sighed as she looked around the hospital room one last time. As much as she hated it here, she would miss these walls.

These blank white walls that she had stared at all those nights when she could not sleep from all the pain that coursed through her, body and soul.

Tuning to a waiting Hermes, she gave him a curt nod to signify she was ready to leave.

Hermes patted her shoulders in reassurance, guiding the wheelchair out of the room and into the Hallway.

Sara smiled and waved at the few patients whose faces she could remember, she would miss them.

Not so much, though, but they had contributed one way or the other to her journey of recovery.

As they wheeled out of the hospital, she sighed in satisfaction as fresh air hit her face, greeting her and the sunlight cast its warm glow on her skin.

The fresh air she felt was a giant contrast to the sterile air inside the hospital, one she had slowly grown accustomed to but was now leaving behind.

The scent of fresh air mingle
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