Chapter 217

“You hear what you're saying? Shouldn't you be the one to rest the two of us because it looks like at this rate this is going to be your grave.” He said in an insulting tone of voice. I clenched one of my fists and looked up sharply at him. I was sincere to him for a second, but he immediately ignored it, so this time I will make sure that he will not be saved from my hands, that I will not give him another chance to spare his life he. Furthermore, I closed my eyes for a moment to gather all the strength and energy I had left. Likewise, I gathered all of this in my right hand where I was holding my saber sword and because of my combined energy it fell on my sword where whoever it hit would surely die. My right hand burned blue, and then I quickly went to where he was to finish him off, but as I expected, he immediately blocked my attack on him. But this time he was having a bit of difficulty balancing his body. It's obvious that he's getting weak, but he's still trying to fight becaus
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