Chapter 216

While his attention was diverted in another direction, I made the most of that opportunity to grab his sword. I quickly ran to where he was, I jumped and raised the saber sword I was holding to bring it down on him. But unexpectedly he followed my movement where he immediately defended himself by blocking with his sword. He drew a mischievous smile on the side of his lips as he looked at me intently. “Do you think you can kill me that easily? Well, you're wrong.” He said to me in a tone as if he were insulting me, but I didn't give in to my emotions. instead I pushed him with the clash of our swords. Little by little, I see his legs retreating, and I am certain that the strength and energy left in him is only halved. Then I pushed him hard again, I spun around, and then I flipped him, causing him to splash and fall to the ground. But that didn't cause me to knock him down right away, so even though he got a cut on his chest, he still insisted on standing up to fight me. Despite the in
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