193. Thrilling News

On that crisp Saturday afternoon in the cozy suburban neighborhood, Daniel pulled his car into Leonard's driveway. The vibrant autumn leaves painted a picturesque scene, as the two friends had planned to spend the day together. As Daniel approached Leonard's front door, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement, knowing he was about to share some thrilling news.

With a warm smile, Leonard greeted his friend at the door and welcomed him inside. They settled into Leonard's cozy living room, surrounded by shelves filled with books and photographs that captured their shared memories over the years.

As they caught up on life and exchanged stories, Daniel couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Hey, Leonard, guess what?" he exclaimed.

Leonard looked curious. "What's got you so excited, Daniel?"

With a mischievous grin, Daniel showed Leonard his phone. "Elsie just texted me!" he announced, his eyes shining with delight. "She sai
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