Chapter 9 : Beyond Predictions

Xavier drives the car into the next building through the back, while Emily calls Sam for emergency assistance. Xavier parked his car not far from the back gate of the building. He got out of the car with Emily, and they sneaked up on the building through the back door as well.

"Shall we go inside?" she asked.

Xavier nodded. He took off his jacket and put it on Emily. Then he also gave Emily a gun and said, "There's an elevator at the end there; you check in the control room what happened there and why Alex didn't contact us. I'll make sure Mr. Potter and Eliana are in the hall first."

"Don't let them find out about your true identity," Emily advised.

At first, Emily wanted to walk away, but Xavier held her back. He pulled Emily into his arms while whispering, "Please take care of yourself." After that, Xavier released Emily, and he entered the building through the back door. Meanwhile, Emily was still silent in her place.

Xavier walked carefully. He looked for the location of the staff room to change his clothes. and he managed to find the staff room. He entered the deserted room, searched for the maid's clothes, and quickly changed his clothes.


At first, the man walked casually towards the hall, but his steps suddenly stopped when he heard gunshots and screams coming from the hall. Suddenly, he immediately ran toward the hall, which was already very messy. Xavier stood by the door of the towering hall, where there were countless people dressed from head to toe in black and carrying firearms.

Xavier examines the people one by one, which he believes are people from the same agency as himself. Xavier took part in the people running there; he sneaked in quietly to look for the figures of Mr. Potter and Eliana. However, he also did not find Mr. Potter or even Eliana in the middle of the commotion.

Until Xavier finally chose to go upstairs, he was very careful that no one suspected him. However, when he was about to enter the left aisle upstairs, there was one person wearing all black. That person was alone; it seemed he had just finished checking the second floor.

They were both silent; Xavier didn't move as well as the figure dressed all in black. Until finally, the figure raised a gun right in front of Xavier's face. His figure was preparing to shoot a bullet at Xavier.


However, Xavier managed to thwart the figure's plans by dashing and knocking the figure out by paralyzing its legs first. The gun fell quite far from the two of them, and Xavier kept trying to paralyze his opponent so he could unmask the figure.

In the midst of their fight, one man dressed all in black came up the stairs. He shot a bullet at Xavier, but it didn't hit his body. Xavier managed to dodge even though his right arm was injured by a bullet.

bang! bang!

With great difficulty, Xavier restrained the enemy below him. He took a gun that was not far from him and fired once at the feet of the opponent under him to stop moving, then he looked back. There was the figure of Emily, who had just helped him by shooting two bullets at the figure that almost killed Xavier.

After his enemy fell, he unmasked the figure beneath him. Xavier took a familiar communication device from the ear of the man he was currently under.

"Let's get out of here; the others are safe!" Emily exclaimed as she pulled Xavier by force.

Emily grabbed Xavier's arm and led him away from that place. They descended using the fire escape to their car. However, both of them stopped when they saw the car they were traveling in was burned by a blazing fire.

"Oh no!" Emily exclaimed while covering her mouth in disbelief.

Xavier held his wound, which was quite painful; he also looked at their burnt car. His eyes darted around them in dismay, because Xavier was sure the men had already noticed their presence.

"Xavier, look at that!" Emily exclaimed while pointing at a fighter plane that was almost close to the building, "They're going to blow up this place!"

When he realized that, Xavier immediately grabbed Emily's arm and took the woman away through the back gate, where the car they were traveling in was scorched. Xavier could see a car with Sam's license plate not far from the building, and Sam's figure also appeared to be coming out of the car. He quickened his pace along with Emily.

"Madam, are you okay?" asked Sam worriedly.

Not long after that, a loud explosion was heard, making the three people reflexively cover their ears. Xavier looked at the building that had been destroyed by the explosion; the building was filled with blazing flames, and all of its contents were burned to the ground.

"We have to get out of here immediately!" Sam shouted in panic and immediately led Emily into the car.

Xavier also got into the car; he closed his eyes, trying to endure the pain in his right arm. He looked at Emily, who looked still in shock from the explosion, then chose to approach her and hug her tightly.

Arriving at headquarters, Emily immediately treated the wound on Xavier's hand. while Xavier just sat next to Alex, who also injured his leg. They were both injured after saving Eliana and Emily that night.

"What exactly happened, madam?" Sam asked Eliana.

Eliana survived; she didn't suffer the slightest injury because she was protected by Alex. The woman took off Olivia's face mask and took a deep breath. She then began to tell Sam and Xavier the chronology of events from beginning to end: "Those people in black were on Tom's orders. They know our plan to call for help with Mr. Potter; that's why he killed him when I just got there."

Xavier handed the communication device he had found to Eliana, saying, "I don't think Tom is alone. It's too big for him and his agency to do all that stuff."

The communication tools were similar in detail to the ones Xavier had when he was working with Tom, but the tools the guys used tonight were quite different in terms of performance. Where the tool can record anything that is heard and happens around it.

Alex immediately took the tool and examined it with all the advanced equipment he had. He found a chip installed in the communication device that was very small in size and deliberately designed in such a way that it could fit into the earphones.

After finishing treating Xavier, Emily approached Alex. He and Alex hear a recording of the sound from the chip through the monitor, a voice recording that occurred between him and Xavier after fighting the two men dressed in all black.

"Does this have anything to do with him, Emily?" asked Eliana, who got up from her seat and approached her sister.

"I'm sorry, this all happened because of Mr. Stanley," Emily replied.

"Emily, be honest. What happened between you and Mr. Stanley to the point where he wants to help Tom?" asked Alex with a worried expression.

Emily was silent, but her gaze met Xavier, who was still sitting on the couch. This was the first time that Xavier saw that Emily's face was not as calm as usual; that woman looked frightened in Xavier's eyes, as if something he didn't expect happened at all and made her very hurt.

"I didn't do anything to make him hate me," Emily retorted.

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