chapter 144 : out of control part 2

“ it was that simple…” Ron looked at the void in front of him with bright eyes and mumbled

“I was complicating things too much, anyway it’s a good thing that I haven’t formed source points yet…” He sighed and then connected his consciousness into the storage ring.

A total of 12 different colored herbs appeared in his hands

All of the herbs in front of him were Heaven-grade Treasures, and each one belonged to a specific element.

"Zephyr..." Ron called out the Forgotten Paradise book , which was one of the biggest turning points in his life. If it weren't for Zephyr, he would have died long ago.

Weeds floated out of his hand and began to spin, he felt an enormous amount of mental energy leaving his body , He couldn't resist.

Before his eyes, the Heaven's Treasures shone with different lights and began to merge

It went on for a full five minutes before the light dimmed, Ron looked at the
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