"How long more?"

      He wasn't sure who that was directed to. He couldn't be sure. His eyes were widening and his legs were lighter than he had ever thought. He was trying to process everything which happened quickly. He couldn't arrive at a sane conclusion. He didn't know how to put up with the new development. He didn't know how to go about the thoughts. He hadn't thought about it that way. He hadn't thought that the Centaurs would come anytime soon. He didn't know what they were there for. He didn't know what urgency pricked their mercies. He couldn't really be sure. He was yet hoping that things would play out well and he would be able to count the odds. He was just hoping that things he did not instigate would be put in their right places. He was not left with an option of course. He was just looking to the development. He was looking to what would happen soonest. He was pulling and sweeping

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