Chapter 08

"I'm going to Bed." I said to her. "What? Why? don't you want to see grandma again? Or learn more?" She asked me in return as I walked off.

"Sorry mum, all this is becoming too much for me." I said as I had already walked steps away from her as she sat in the parlor staring at me.

I couldn't absorb any more information and I felt like I was going to explode if she kept feeding me with so much.

I was on the stairs that lead to my room when I responded to her questions.

"Later." I replied.

"Oh, common Lina, don't be like that, at least learn about your abilities!" She chips into the conversation.

"Also, later." I said entering my room. I shut the door behind me as I finally found myself some time to free up. Then I walked towards my bed and crashed on It as tears rolled off my eyes.

Why was I chosen?

How do I protect these people?

How do I bring these people together?

My father hasn't been a good alpha either and I could tell it was my destiny to bring union between the worlds of vampires, witches and werewolves.

I wondered how I would do it.

I am the lightning witch Afterall.

I woke up bright and early rushing to my mum's room as I dragged my mother who happened to be my favorite witch now up into the attic where all my dad's stuff is kept as we began the search for more information.

It is been a week since I've been stalking and I wasn't going to have any more of that anymore once I'm gone.

"Okay, so just to be clear... Dad left this scroll to explain things that were too heavy to explain about everything right?" I asked my mum with a smile.

"Yeah, and this one is that of vampires, I guess he wrote this one first because it is the one, he Witnessed first." She replies to me holding a scroll.

"A being said to be all." Written in bold over the scroll's first page.

"A being said to be all was prophesied years ago to possess a strength no mere mortal can match up with. It will have essentially the strength of a thousand men and this makes this being extremely hard to deal with in physical combat."

"It will also have superhuman speed as this hybrid will live beyond mortal time"

"It can phase through a small period of time, enabling them to move faster than what the human eye can perceive."

"This is also why it is said to be able to teleport but only one kind will ever exist with this kind of powers." He wrote over the scrolls and I was getting excited.

"Mum, he said only one kind? What kind?" I asked her.

"Let's find out Lina" she replies to me.

"This hybrid told in tales has enhanced senses like a predator, the hybrid is equipped with enhanced senses of hearing, smell and sight and the hybrid can see as well in total darkness as humans can see in broad daylight."

"Hence, this hybrid was foretold to see in the daytime too and it is not a rumor that this hybrid will possess infrared vision allowing it to track living beings and be able to shoot physical and spiritual lasers." He notes.

"This being will use Hypnotism which is probably its most useful weapon to plant suggestions into anyone meeting their hypnotic gaze." He writes.

"The strength of the suggestions depend on the difference between the hybrid's will and that of the victims. Using this power, hybrids can also force victims to forget about the attack." He notes.

"I have those powers?" I asked.

"I think so Lina." My mum replies.

" The Hybrids will be extremely resistant to physical damage and Conventional weapons like blades and guns cannot damage its physical form but only weapons made of specific materials can inflict injuries on the being." He says.

"Even if the hybrid is wounded, its rate of healing will be very fast. Most wounds will heal with one night of rest and only serious wounds caused by powerful weapons would scar them forever."

"Is that true?" I asked my mum.

"Oh well, some even say that a hybrid can heal all its wounds by draining all the fresh blood and magic from their victim." She said to me and I kept quiet.

"The Hybrid will be able to control the minds of bats, rats and wolves found in their vicinity. These animals will obey every command of their newfound master's, even if it brings death." He writes drawing bats and forest trees.

"It can shape-shift into the shape of a bat or a wolf. They can also disperse into elemental vapors, thus allowing them to skip in through door slits or narrow cracks." He notes.

"Woah! Mum, is that true?" I asked.

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