Chapter 6 – The Enforcer Unit – part 1

In the afternoon, Aurora left the elevator in the Enforcer Unit Headquarters, following her guide, and walked along the corridor, straight to the door at the end.

The young woman that took her there opened the door for her, and she entered, going towards a tall old man who was standing in front of a pulpit at the end of that room, with many Enforcers seated on the chairs in front of him.

He looked at her, somewhat surprised by her looks. Aurora had her blond hair loose, a pair of dark, reflective sunglasses, and a very simple, dark dress that ended a little above her knees. On her right hand was a small dark purse, and her dark heels clattered on the floor as she walked straight at him.

With a smile, she reached her right hand for a handshake and greeted him, “Hello, I am Aurora Kerrish. Nice to meet you.”

The man shook her hand and said, somewhat doubtfully, “I was informed you were coming, but I didn’t know it would be today. I am Allen Brooks, the Senior Officer of this branch. I was about to start the briefing. Please have a seat.”

Will I be getting a partner?”

Yes, I think it will be better. It is common practice in the Enforcer Unit. Only very special cases are allowed to work alone.”

Aurora looked back and saw Aella staring at her, completely dumbfounded. She smiled and announced, “I took the liberty of choosing my partner. It’s Aella over there.”

The surprised brunette blinked a few times, and then answered, “I… I work alone. I don’t need, nor do I want, a partner!”

Aurora made a slight frown and warned her, “Did I, by chance, ask you anything? I am informing you by courtesy. Now, please keep quiet and allow our Senior Officer to conduct the briefing. Where can I sit, Mister Brooks?”

Sit anywhere, but normally it is me that chooses the partnerships around here.”

Yes, I figured that much when you said you were the Senior Officer, but if I am not mistaken, Aella usually works alone, correct? Well, she doesn’t need to keep on doing that, and you also don’t need to worry about her anymore. I will cover her back. Considering that she works alone, either there is no one here that is as good as she is, or she doesn’t trust them. But now, I am here.”

Aurora went to join Aella at her table, and from the back of the room, a man mocked, “A new Enforcer dressed like that? You should go back to your mommy, pretty girl. This kind of work is not for Princesses!”

While everyone was laughing, Aurora slowly took off her dark glasses, turned back with a slight smile, and explained, “I don’t dress like this when I go after a Werewolf, but this dress is very easy to take off if I need to. I can get undressed and change to my Werewolf form in two seconds. You take what, twenty seconds, thirty? I would go to Japan and back, and you were still finishing. Now shush, the Senior Officer wants to start. But first, be a dear and go get me a coffee, will you?”

Who do you think I am? I am not your servant!”

Aurora slowly got up and looked at the angry-looking man with her arms crossed over her chest and said, “Did I, by chance, stutter? I told you to go get me a coffee, Omega! Now!”

Her powerful presence, even in that dress, was enough to make everyone go silent. The man slowly got up and looked down, avoiding facing those blue, powerful eyes. It was as if Aurora’s stare was piercing through his soul, and he left the room in a hurry.

Aurora sighed and looked at the surprised Allen Brooks. “The nerve of these Omegas, lately. Mocking someone that he doesn’t know. Please continue. I am sorry for this interruption.”

Miss Aurora, you shouldn’t use your Alpha’s influence on my subordinates. We have a hierarchy here.”

Oh, I think I didn’t use any of that, because I am not sure if I am an Alpha or a Luna. That guy is just a rude and obnoxious man who is surely not used to strong women. Men like him, I eat at breakfast.”

She then faced the silent group in the room, and announced, “May this serve as a warning to you all. I don’t admit lack of respect or mockery from anyone. I will treat you like you treat me. If you are respectful, I will be as well. If you are rude, I will wipe the floor with your stupid asses.”

Allen Brooks rubbed his face with both hands, feeling drained, and explained, “Miss Aurora… they are your colleagues. You shouldn’t antagonise them right on your first day.”

They were laughing, and I consider that extremely rude. Besides, I don’t need them. I have Aella. She is more than enough. They are just our support characters. If they deserve it, I will grade them higher.”

Allen Brooks slowly shook his head, completely dumbfounded. Then, the door opened, and the man returned with a tray with a cup of coffee, milk, and sugar, which he placed on the table where Aurora was seated.

He spoke in a nervous tone. “I… wasn’t sure how you liked your coffee, Miss Aurora, so I brought everything.”

Thank you. You may return to your place so that Mister Brooks can start.”

He hurriedly went back to his seat and remained silent. Then, Aella finally spoke, “Come on, chief! I am not going to work with her, will I? For real?”

Well, she has a point. It has been far too long since you have been working alone. And according to your report of your last mission, if it wasn’t for her, you could be dead by now.”

Aurora smiled at the frowning woman at her side and said in a cheerful tone, “Oh! Did you include me in your report? So nice of you! I also put your name on mine!”

Aella took a deep breath and spoke, without looking into those gorgeous blue eyes that were staring at her, “Aurora… your cheering personality is bugging me way too much…”

Should I lower it for you, then? I am bugging you so much that you want to punch me like last time, you bitch?”

What… what did you call me?”

You heard me loud and clear. Don’t you think I forgot what you did. I will get you when you least expect it, just like you did to me. You got lucky because I was too surprised from finding you, but you won’t get me a second time. Now shut up. Mister Brooks is still waiting to start the briefing, and you are disturbing everyone.”

Aella frowned and counted to ten because she noticed Aurora raising one eyebrow at the faint light that was appearing around them.

She then faced forward again, and Allen Brooks started, “If there are no more interruptions, I will start. I am not sure if all of you saw the news this morning, but Lisa McCarty sent a new video to several television channels. As you are all aware since some years ago, she has been a strong objector to the Werewolf Organization. She was once a member of the Rossi Pack, but she disagreed a few times with the way the Werewolf Organization was dealing with normal Humans, and the several times that normal Humans mistreated and sometimes killed young Werewolves made her clash with her former pack, and she abandoned it. Over the years, her influence increased exponentially, and she gathered several Werewolves around her and her partner, Davis. From our last intel, their Pack was not as big as the smallest Packs in the World, but things have changed over the past two years, and nowadays, we are not sure about the size.”

A woman’s voice came from the left side of the room, “That bitch and her moron of a husband are terrorists! They should be hung at first sight! They already caused a lot of deaths in normal Humans with their weird ideas! A lot of Werewolves out there got poisoned by their propaganda, and things now are worse than they have ever been!”

Aurora turned to face the angry woman while the other Enforcers were cheering her words, and said, “You know, some people call them terrorists, but to others, they are freedom fighters. Their propaganda is not as misguided as you may think. They have logic behind their words, and while the Werewolf Organization preaches a better understanding and peaceful interaction between normal Humans and Werewolves, she, like many Werewolves out there, considers Humans antiques that are destined to disappear because Werewolves are the next evolutionary step. Their methods might be unnecessary sometimes, but they are not wrong in their propaganda.”

The woman frowned at Aurora and retorted, “Hearing you say that, it almost seems that you agree with them! They are a bunch of extremists that bend the law in their favour to gather more and more followers. It is because of them that things are like they are lately!”

No, it is not because of them. The Werewolf Organization did a lot of things wrong, and Lisa uses those former events in her speeches. People still remember the several times that the Organization failed in defending Werewolves rights and duties and are resentful. That is why neither she nor Davis were arrested until now. They, like everyone in this country, benefit from freedom of speech. The fact there are Werewolves who take their words to the extreme is not entirely their fault. I know they are aware that their speeches have power, but what Lisa says can’t be contradicted because she is right in everything.”

The woman made a slight grin and answered, “If you agree so much with her, what are you doing here?”

I agree with her because, unlike you, I know what happened that made her leave the Rossi Pack. You could also know if you read stuff. She never hid why. There is also the fact that she regrets some things that happened in her youth when the Rossi Pack was being formed, and that also influenced her behaviour, but it is not up to me to talk about things that are not public. Lisa is right about the Werewolves being the next evolution, and that fact frightens normal Humans, who fear being replaced or eaten. Several Humans still celebrate the Full Moon Massacre, when two years ago, groups of them attacked Schools all over the World for two weeks in a row and killed every son and daughter of Werewolves they could find.”

Aurora paused to take a sip of her coffee, and she then continued, “Some normal Human kids also died in those attacks, but hundreds of Werewolves sons and daughters were killed. Many of them, as you are certainly aware, could also be normal Humans, because they could become Werewolves or not, on their sixteenth birthday. So please, don’t call Lisa and Davis terrorists because they are doing what the Werewolf Organization never dared to do, that is, defend all Werewolves in the World instead of bending their backs to be fucked up their asses. I wonder if you would be here calling them terrorists if you were in the house of a Werewolves’ family like I was last month, and saw a two-year-old baby raped until she died, and her insides were used to write on her baby room’s wall that all Werewolves should die and Humans are the best there is.”

Aurora’s words were as if someone had suddenly draped a veil of sadness over them, and she sighed. “For sure you know what the Werewolf Organization did. They paid for the funeral and went to television to do a speech to ease the anger that was boiling in many Werewolves’ families. Do you know what Lisa and Davis did? They tracked down the normal Humans that took part in that attack and everyone that helped them. Did you hear any of this in the news? No, because Lisa only sent a video with the list of normal Humans that were in that attack and all the proof she gathered, like photos, surveillance footage, and recorded messages of them admitting what they did and bragging about it. A group of anonymous Werewolves took those normal Humans’ heads and put them in a box that they delivered to the mourning Werewolf family, together with a substantial amount of money. Lisa and Davis paid for psychological counselling for the family, and until this day, they are supporting them with anything they need.”

Allen Brooks took a slow, deep breath and interrupted Aurora. “Lisa’s speech at that time was also considered by the Werewolf Organization as a call for violence upon normal Humans, you know?”

I know, and you for sure also know, that the main reason the Enforcer Unit was created years ago was to arrest criminal Werewolves because normal police and the military were no match for a Werewolf. The original concept was changed because of pressure from the normal Humans that are still the majority in the World. Did you by chance hear about a normal Human ever being killed on the spot when found killing a Werewolf? So why does a Werewolf have to be killed instead of arrested? Did you ever think about that? Do you know why that happens? Because the Werewolf Organization doesn’t want a Werewolf out there, giving us all an evil reputation. It is easier to kill him and reassure the normal Humans that Werewolves that kill and eat Humans no longer exist.”

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