Discovering The Changes Of The World

In a penthouse suite in one of the tallest buildings that overlooked the Boston skyline...

Standing by the full-length window in one of the rooms that offered a full view of the city of Boston, Constantine looked down and the sleeping city that was completely unrecognizable to him.

Constantine was shirtless, and he wore only slim shorts on his body. The room was dark and the air conditioner was turned on and blowing at full intensity, making the room very cold. But despite how cold it was in the room, Constantine, who was shirtless, did not feel the cold at all. Instead, he felt like his body was on fire.

There was a steady flow of electricity running along Constantine's veins, providing him with constant heat and keeping his vitals active.

It had been three days since Constantine had woken up in the hospital following the attack of the doom. In these three days, Constantine had gone through a number of tests to make sure he was okay. Through the tests, Constantine was found to be in perfect health, much to the surprise of the doctors who had attended to him.

Normally, for a coma patient, the best you could hope for when they woke up was that there would not be any brain damage. As for other problems like atrophied muscles and nerves due to a long time in disuse, they were the least of a coma patient's worries. with dedicated recovery therapy, these problems could be treated given time.

But in Constantine's case, not to talk about suffering brain damage, there was not even a sign of muscle damage. His body was as healthy as if he had not been laying on the bed for a year but had instead been keeping up a stable exercise routine.

If this was before the space rift to the other world opened one year ago, Constantine's case would have been seen as a miracle in the medical world and countless research would have been conducted on Constantine to know the specific reason for this. But now when bizarre and extraordinary cases had become commonplace in the world, Constantine's case only drew a few raised eyebrows from the doctors.

Normally, when something like this happened, the hospital was expected to contact the united government and report the case, and Constantine would still be detained in the hospital to undergo further testing. But because Constantine's family was very influential in Boston and they had a lot of power even in the current world, Constantine was able to be discharged after only a day in the hospital.

For the rest of the time, since Constantine woke up, he had stayed inside the penthouse without going out at all. Except for his sister Fan, who came occasionally to check up on him, Constantine had been on his own.

Speaking of Fan, she was the Asian girl who had been present when Constantine had woken up. Obviously, the two of them were not biologically related, and Fan had been adopted by Constantine's parents when she was nine years old.

Currently, Fan was fourteen. While she and Constantine's relationship could not be said to be all that great like real siblings, the two of them were not at odds with each other. At least from her reaction in the hospital when Constantine woke up, it was clear that Fan truly loved Constantine and acknowledged him as her big brother.

During the two days that Constantine was home alone, Fan had been his only company. His parents had not had the time to be with Constantine because they were busy taking care of the possible aftermaths of Constantine's unusual awakening.

During these two days, Fan was no longer as cheerful as when Constantine had woken up and she now behaved like a typical brooding teenage girl. Constantine was used to Fan being this way, as this was usually how she was with him. But through Fan, Constantine had learned about everything that had happened during his one-year-long coma.

Through Fan, Constantine learned about the opening of the space rift and the invasion of the dooms. He also learned of the mutations that had occurred to every creature on earth. most importantly, Constantine learned about Baron's disappearance.

Strangely enough, Constantine was not affected much by all the things he learned and the changes on earth. Perhaps it was because of the long dream he had experienced during his coma. Those magnificent scenes of a strange and beautiful new world far away from earth dulled whatever surprise Constantine was supposed to have about the changes on Earth.

Although everything felt like a dream to Constantine and he could not remember every detail of that dream, Constantine knew that what he saw was actually the memories of someone else and that the world he saw in the dream was actually real. With this knowledge, what was happening on earth seemed more mundane in comparison.

Constantine did not care about the changes on earth at all... to be accurate, Constantine cared more about something else. That was the disappearance of his best friend Baron.

For an entire year, Baron had been missing and there had not been any signs of him anywhere on earth. With the changes happening on earth, it was even harder to locate him. But Constantine had a guess as to what became of Baron.

According to the dream, Constantine had, the lightning that had struck the two of them was actually the manifestation of the souls of the powerful evolvers who had wanted to possess them both. That means that just like Constantine, Baron's body had been hijacked by another person.

Constantine did not know if the person who had attempted to possess baron had succeeded but based on the fact that he was nowhere to be found, Constantine suspected the worst and believed that baron's body was possessed by another being who had later disappeared with his body which was why he was nowhere to be found.

As for why the person who had attempted to possess Constantine had not succeeded but had instead gotten his soul assimilated with Constantine's and his memories devoured by him... Constantine was not sure himself. The only thing he could say was that he was glad this was the case since it meant he could keep his life.

As to whether Constantine could still remain himself or not with the soul of another person inside him, he didn't know. But he was willing to find out.

Constantine spent some more time by the window looking outside at the streets of Boston before finally moving away and heading to the bed in his room.

Right now, Constantine was the only one in the entire suite. His sister Fan had left for home earlier in the day and there was nobody with him.

Sitting on the bed, Constantine thought for a brief moment before closing his eyes as if he wanted to think deeper.

When Constantine closed his eyes, he suddenly heard a deep and vigorous voice sounding out in the depths of his mind speaking to him.

"So boy, are you finally willing to listen to me?"

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