Ronald's figure is somewhat smaller than Kent's, but it is quite easy for him to help him out of the house. Looking at Kent now is like a bulky sandbag but no strength at all. Ron secretly pitied Kent's plight. He arbitrarily put his hands in his pants pockets, pulled out the car keys and placed him neatly in the co-driver's seat. Kent hummed his thanks like a groan. At this moment, he didn't have any other words to say to him. Ronald stepped into the car, every posture, every gesture looked extremely familiar with Kent's car. He felt like he understood it better than he did. Ron's eyes accidentally met Kent's surprised expression, he smiled and explained that this job exposes him to a lot of upper-class people, so getting acquainted with high-class cars is always important. one of your standards of service. After listening to Kent, he praised Ronald for being too professional. He suddenly recalled the image from earlier when he attacked Nacer and the others, he was both amazed and

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