Chapter 41

After that episode.

Scenario 1.

Then they hopped onto the train. Elizabeth was giddy with excitement and enjoyed the outside scenery. She and Hawki grew close as well. Maxilin got the feeling in the snowfall as well. The scenery was covered with beautiful snow. It appeared to be quite lovely.

Elizabeth spoke out abruptly, "Maxilin, where are we going?" "We're heading to a new house," Maxilin responded with a smile.

Elizabeth's heart was beaming with happiness. She finally came out after a long time. Look at this young child, though; she did not mention her father. Was she willing to accept everything? Didn't such heinous acts leave a mark on her heart? She was simply conversing with everyone as usual. Didn't she miss her father?

Or did God truly give this kid the ability to control her emotions? She was just six years old at the time, so why was she having to deal with such terrible things?

While glancing at Elizabeth, Maxilin pondered. When he glimpsed Elizabeth, he took a big brea
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