unparalleled sword sovereign

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unparalleled sword sovereign

By: GCsage OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 225 views: 18.3K

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Lu shang grew from a powerless weakling unable to protect himself from his mate or danger to a famous sword sovereign respected by all. He became the most powerful deity and warlord in the entire universe by wielding the heavenly divine sword, which no one else can use or control. Watch out for how Lu shang evolved into the world's greatest swordsman despite the hardships, difficulties, and trials he encountered, making him the unparalleled sword sovereign feared by everyone in the universe.

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  • GCsage


    Some people are complaining about errors in my novel, please bear with me. I have already started editing and making sure there is no error again. Thanks for understanding...

    2023-03-10 06:49:39
  • Nation 06


    Nice story, keep it up

    2023-02-05 13:58:49
  • Depraved


    Very interesting novel

    2023-01-31 23:49:02
  • GCsage


    This is my first novel am writing here on meganovel... hope you guys are going to enjoy it......

    2023-01-18 02:14:40
  • demonslay


    This is going to great and wonderful... keep on the good work

    2023-01-17 19:44:20
  • Jason Johnson


    Translation is really BAD

    2023-02-18 01:46:55
  • Rhemy Malang


    I love the story,but the author didn't bother to update .

    2024-02-27 08:46:16
  • Rhemy Malang


    why the author stop updating

    2024-02-19 21:31:24
  • Darrell Beam


    Ok. I’m hooked.

    2023-09-27 10:09:12
  • Emmy Billionz


    The starting of the novel is good continue writing

    2023-02-04 20:44:21
  • Gc Love


    A very good novel to read

    2023-01-29 01:37:01
Latest Chapter
225 chapters
001: Lu Shang
"I challenge you to step onto the stage and fight me, Lu Shang," Mo Shen said to Lu Shang, who was the same with him in the training hall. Mo Shen was one of the powerful junior cultivators in the Glosom Sect battalion."I'm sorry, Mo Shen, but I can't fight you today; I am tired for today; tomorrow we are going to spar," reply Lu Shang, who was just about to leave the junior cultivator martial arts training hall."I know you are afraid to fight with me because you are a fool, always giving excuses to run away from fights. Bastard!" yell Mo Shen mockingly, trying to get Lu Shang to fight him because Lu Shang was the weakest of all the young cultivators in the junior academy."Hahaha, we are going to be seeing an interesting show before the end of the day.""With the strength of Mo Shen now, I think Lu Shang is going to be defeated in 10 moves.""I don't know why we have such a frightened person who is afraid to fight.""I even heard that Mo Shen just started learning a new skill named
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002: Strange necklace
Mo Shen slowly raised his hands, performing his skills."Heavenly golden fist: first stage; destroying mountains!" shouted Lu shang as he took his stance, ready to at least counter Mo Shen attack which he knew isn't going to be easy.Lu Shang's fist started to glow a golden yellow light, and his fist started going toward Mo Shen. With only an inch left to hit his target, Mo Shen performed his footwork combined with his newly learned skill, "windflaming fist.""Wind flaming fist!"BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!Before Lu shang fist could reach Mo Shen.THUD!He was already sent flying, crashing into the nearby wall again because it was already too late to dodge the punch of Mo shen."Do you think you can defeat me, or you overestimate yourself?" Mo Shen sneered and ran towards Lu Shang to continue beating him.As Mo Shen got close to Lu Shang, ready to launch punch after punch on him. "STOP!" Came the loud voice of a guard who entered the training hall. The fight was stopped by the interruption o
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003: Surprised outcome 1
Sacred light and a dark yellow layer of lightning flashed around Lu Shang's body as Heaven and Earth suddenly froze and released a terrifying force of gravity, which causes the gravity in the sect to rise.Meanwhile, outside Lu Shang apartment, everywhere was pitch black and everybody was finding it difficult to move due to a strange power that was making everybody move slowly.Shortly, blood started coming out of the mouths of the weaker people who couldn't endure the pressure of the strange aura.The upper echelons were outside the sect, observing the situation of things happening in the sect."What is happening?" "Why the sudden rise of gravity..." said the sect leader, who was looking at the sky trying to see what was wrong."Maybe there is a powerful expert nearby who comprehend the ability of space and time," exclaimed elder Su after some consideration."Then we have to take action by activating the sect defensive barrier to prevent the pressure from causing harm to the younger c
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004: Surprised outcome 2
Lu Shang and the guardian spirit soon got to a room that was black throughout, and the guardian spirit took Lu Shang to a place within the room."We are here; don't hurry yourself in absorbing the world essence here because if you hurry, you are going to harm yourself due to the strong energy in the air," the guardian spirit explained to Lu Shang, and then he instructed Lu Shang to sit down."OK, senior, I appreciate it," Lu Shang sat down cross-legged.Lu Shang sat down, and the guardian spirit placed his hands on the back of Lu Shang to support him in making Lu Shang absorb the world essence plentifully and making it easier for him.All the world essences in the dimension started flowing towards Lu Shang's direction, and they rapidly started merging into Lu Shang's body. The guardian spirit was shocked, and his mouth was so wide open that an egg would fit perfectly into his mouth."So that is the reason why master chose him; master always has good eyes; this is a rare genius who seem
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005: Exiting the dimension
"I don't seem to understand something here; I am confused." Lu Shang looked at the senior elder guardian."Am what is it that you don't understand?" As long it's within my capacity to answer you, I'll try my best" "Go on, Is there really anything I have no knowledge of after so many years of my existence?" The senior elder guardian giggled to himself before replying to Lu Shang."It's about the necklace that merged into me and then suddenly brought me into this dimension," Lu Shang said to the senior elder guardian who was standing beside him."And what about the necklace?" "I don't think there is anything wrong with the necklace merging into you and then brought your consciousness here; you were lucky to come across the necklace, which turns your life around and is going to make you stand up strong and talented among all your mates." with all seriousness, the senior elder guardian glared at Lu Shang."I know I was lucky to see the necklace, but how did the necklace know that your mast
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006: Learning the "five elemental spacetime art"
As soon as the sect bell rang, everyone gathered in the hall, but the sect leader was still absent, so they were all waiting to hear what was going to be revealed. The sect leader could be seen entering through the back entrance and onto the stage that was set up in front of everyone. The sect leader paused, looking at everyone with a complicated expression on his face. "You all know what is happening around the sect, how the gravity of the sect suddenly rose up." "We don't know what caused the abrupt increase in gravity, but we've been detecting the presence of powerful experts around the sect ever since the occurrence, and we advise everyone to take precautions by staying around the sect premises," the sect leader explained to everyone. The sect leader gave some information before leaving the hall with a calm expression on his face. Everyone left the stage as soon as the sect leader left, some heading to their respective homes and some going to the training room or library. Lu
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007: Transparent golden divine light
Observing the divine power that appeared in his palm as transparent white, Lu Shang was astounded and unsure of what it meant. "I will consider it my good fortune to possess this white divine power as long as nothing is wrong with my body." "Once I get used to it and practice with it, it might even be helpful to me." Lu Shang thought. Lu Shang began studying the white divine light, but he learned nothing about it. "Perhaps I should find the senior elder guardian and question him about this weird divine power," he thought. In the middle of his body, where his martial core was, Lu Shang sat down and closed his eyes before directing his consciousness to touch the yellow-golden martial core and then muttered open. This time, he found it easier to control his consciousness, unlike the first time he tried controlling his consciousness. Lu Shang's consciousness touched his martial core. He immediately vanished from his room and then reemerged in the spacetime realm. The senior elder gua
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008: Challenging Mo shen
It was already early in the morning as Lu Shang slowly opened his eyes. "How did I get to sleep?" Lu Shang pondered himself. After a while, he began to recall everything that occurred at night. "So, that's what took place." "What happened to the yellow light and the transparent white divine power that had developed in my hand at that point?" Lu Shang immediately began examining his body to check for any problems. After checking his body and finding nothing wrong with it, he felt at ease. However, when he sent his consciousness to check his inner body, he was shocked by what he discovered. Transparent, golden divine energy encircled his martial core. "What's the problem with all of this?" "I have been experiencing unusual things since taking over as the spacetime lord's successor." Lu Shang made the decision to set everything aside and begin his training this morning. Before training, Lu Shang opened his door and walked to a vacant spot on the side of his apartment. "I wonder
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009: Defeating Mo shen and his friends
In the sect, two people were seen exchanging venomous glances at one another. "Wind flaming fist!" Mo Shen was the first person to strike Lu Shang. Lu Shang chuckled with a curved lip. "Heavenly golden fist: first stage; destroying mountains! The two engaged in a violent collision. Hong ! A shockwave was created as the strong fists collided. Mo Shen moved three steps before balancing in the fourth, while Lu Shang remained still. "I don't get what's going on; why is Mo Shen at a disadvantage, surprisingly, while Lu Shang's attack is strong?" "I thought I was the only one seeing things; I expected Lu Shang would lose and collapse to the ground, but I see the unexpected and impossible here," the speaker said. A group of young cultivators began talking among themselves, "Something doesn't seem right because the Lu shang I know can't withstand the force of that strike." Ceng ! Without giving Mo Shen any chance, Lu Shang attacked Mo Shen after spinning in the air. "Heavenly gold
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010: Shocking everybody
Mo Shen and his friends were bound in the battle arena by Lu Shang, who then began hitting, punching, and kicking them. Only the voices of Mo Shen, Sun Quan, and Chang Chen could be heard in the training hall, as everything else remained silent. Lu xun was seen running to Lu shang, and Lu xun begged him to let them go. Lu Xun grinned and remarked, "You have grown stronger, younger brother." "Certainly, senior sister. That will at least prevent some of our problems, "Lu shang grinned as he spoke to Lu xun. "However, junior brother, you are taking this situation too far. They have already learned their lesson, so kindly let them go," Lu Xun said in response to Mo Shen and his friends' pleas. "This will also create us some problems since the powerful members of the sect who don't show themselves will seek you out and fight you because you claim to be strong." Concerned, Lu Xun pleaded with Lu Shan to reconsider and stop attacking Mo Shen and his friends. When Lu shang and Lu xun we
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