Ch 4.4

In that dark room the two sat down looking in opposite directions and keeping their words to themselves.

Some time passed but the awkwardness had yet to fade. Glancing at him for a moment Lilia gathered her courage and spoke out the comment she had in mind for a while now.

“You really want to do it, don’t you?” She said, her ears tingling from the heat.

“Well, I can’t really deny that.” Seven replied with a weak laugh.

Silence returned for a moment, but in the next one Lilia broke it with a horrifying statement.

“Sleeping in the same bed feels even less safe now.” She said. “Maybe I should get a separate room.”

“What?” Seven was shocked by what he heard. Of course he understood where she’s coming from, however he thought that everything was fine considering that the chance of his powers going out of control didn’t bother her.

“I don’t think I would be able to resist if Seven makes up his mind.” She said, remembering how her strength fades away when she’s in his arm.

“I would never-"
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