Ch. 59 - Hale, The Junior Engineer



A woman clicked her tongue, scoffing at the voice from the speaker. “One thing after the other… I’m not taking this train again!”

Another youth with crossed arms chuckled. “Hale, can you believe this?”

Right after the static from the speakers faded, a young man with droopy eyes stood up. “Excuse me!”

“Where are you going, Hale?”

Hale looked from one side of the room to the other and shrugged his shoulders. “Right. Uhm… Around!”

“Kaha! Go do that, then…”

He nodded with an expressionless face. “Ok!”

Hale then turned around, opened the cart door, and left the room. Just as he stepped out, another person bumped into him.

“Out of the way!”

Hale rubbed his shoulder where he got hit with an annoyed expression painted all over his face.

When the person in a rush was out of sight, Hale uttered. “That hurt a bit…”

He let out a sigh, put his hands in his pockets, and walked in the same direction as the one before him.

Hale realized after a while when he saw him again going into
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