Chapter Fourteen: The Revenge of Ravan the Great

When Ravan disembarked in Preshire in the Bonn Empire, all he could think to do first was to find lodging and then hole up in what appeared to be the most popular tavern in the area. There, he would spend the next few days reading pamphlets and educating himself on Bonn culture, recent events, and current politics. The following month was arguably the most uneventful, aggravating, and uninformative month of Ravan’s life. He had even hired a few people to obtain information on Captain Fadi, but he didn’t hear back from any of them for what felt like an eternity.

Ravan’s luck changed while he sat at his usual corner beside a grimy window in his new favorite musty tavern. One of the scouts rushed in while he read over the day’s pamphlet and sat across from Ravan at the sticky wooden table. Ravan set the pamphlet down with a sigh.

“I really hope you have some news for me this time,” Ravan moaned. He took a swig of his beer, fully expecting yet another round of usel
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