7. Primordial star god's stellar art (2)


this was one of the earliest invented steller cultivation and martial art. It is said that Star God was a pioneer of steller cultivation. When he achieved a terrifying power level where he couldn't find a single opponent capable of challenging him, he ascended to the heavens. Now his cultivation art was with him he might be able to reach the peak of martial arts with it. Thinking this he got excited and wanted to start cultivating right away but first, he had to destroy his previous cultivation.

'I guess it's time to start anew.'

 he took a deep breath and started destroying and expelling his accumulated Yuan Qi. Destroying one's cultivation isn't easy as it sounds but fortunately, that mysterious old man left the technique of doing it without any risks, but during this period, he will have to endure a lot of pain. Fortunately, he was still in the lower layers of the body tempering realm if he were above the body tempering realm, he had a chance of dying while doing the same.

Following this, Ling Chen clenched his jaws and executed the technique.

" Ahhhhh "

He shrieked in pain. His pores, veins, his whole body was screaming in pain. He could feel his yuan Qi leaving his body and getting his cultivation return to zero. He endured the bone-shattering pain and continued the process. 


After what felt like an eternity to him, his cultivation was gone and his full was covered in blood. blood continued flowing out of his pores for over 10 breaths. After blood stopped flowing, due to pain and loss of blood he fainted right there.


He woke up in his bed. He was confused " how come I am in my room and huh? How did I wear these clothes?" He mumbled " and my body doesn't reek of blood any longer, did someone bathe me " thinking this he got up from bed and was about to go out when the doors of his room opened.

A beautiful young lady, about 13 years of age, dressed in a green gown came into his room with a plate of deliciously made food. Her dress was clean, her skin was moon white, her oval-shaped face was very mesmerising, her cherry lips looked as if they were waiting for someone to taste them, and she looked like a fairy. every male who saw this young lady would find himself, fantasizing about her. While Ling Chen was in a daze, a sweet and familiar voice sounded in his ear.

" Big brother Chen, you woke up." Ling Chen finally focused and saw that this fairy-like young lady was none other than Feng Jiayi.

" Big brother Chen why did you get out of bed. Quickly lie down and rest. you lost a lot of blood. What happened? Why did you destroy your cultivation? " She rapidly asked him many questions.

" I..." Ling Chen was about to speak when she interrupted him and said

" No...tell me after you eat your food and rest. Big brother, hurry and lie down on the bed. You won't get up until you get better. "

She said in a firm and concerned tone that he had no choice but to lie down.

She then put some pillows under his head and started spoonfeeding him the tiger heart soup which is very beneficial in recovering one's strength and on the plate, there was also some ferocious beast's meat. ferocious beast's meat can strengthen muscles and give a great boost to vitality. after carefully blowing every spoonful with her fragrant breath and making sure, that it wasn't very hot anymore, she fed him. seeing this, Ling Chen felt his heartwarming. After he finished eating tiger heart soup and ferocious beast's meat [ which she, most likely brought from her home because Ling Chen rarely had it due to it being very expensive but, when occasionally Feng jiaosan brought it for her to or they had some feast, she would always bring some for him to eat ], Ling Chen felt his body covering. 

She then put the plate down and sat beside him and unconsciously started caressing his hair with her jade-like hands. Ling Chen smiled and looked at her with affection in his eyes. When her gaze met his, her cheeks and ears suddenly turned red like tomatoes and she hurriedly averted her gaze to the side. When she tried taking his hand away, Ling Chen grabbed her hand. She shivered like a frightened cat. Although they grew up together they when grew conscious of the relationship between men and women, they had a kind of physical distance. Even when they were together they stayed a step away from each other.

Now that Ling Chen grabbed her hand in his hand and she remembered just a moment ago, how intimately she treated him and was caressing his hair, her heart started beating rapidly. Her breathing quickened. 

" Jiayi....thank you for always taking care of me. and I am sorry, I always make you worried."  Ling Chen said in a soft voice.

" N-no don't say that big brother, Chen. I-it.  it's my duty as you you're wi..wife to take care of you."  After saying this, she turned completely red and ran out of the room.

Seeing this, Ling Chen smiled happily. When they were little kids and got into fights with each other, he would turn grumpy and say ' if you always fight me like this, you won't be a good wife in the future and I won't even eat the food that you'd make.' and she would always be got angry with him for days. When they both turned 12, he once asked her why did you always get angry when he said this. She told him that she didn't get angry because she felt bad about it rather it was because she wanted to be his good wife and take care of him like her mother used to take care of her father, but when she heard him saying that she won't be a good wife would feel disheartened she always grew anxious. they had a lot of affection for each other.

" Don't worry Jiayi... You'll be a very good wife and I too will take care of you. Just wait until I become strong enough and make your every wish come true." Ling Chen mumbled. Ling Chen never thought of it but their bond was very strong. In their hearts, the seed of love has already started budding for each other.

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