Realm Of The Gods

The Court Wall

"Now, that's the authentic fragrance of divinity!" Baphometron grinned.

Olorun, King Thor, Vishnu, Zeus, Shangdi and Amun-Ra stood before Wartomb while Binary, Magni, Ares, Horus and Shiva stood beside them ready to attack the intruder at all cost.

Wartomb was left behind, the boxes still in his possession but something enthralling happened, on Baphometron's presence, the unity boxes fidgetted and grumbled almost like they were happy to see him or they were scared.

Wartomb was perplexed and awed at the same time, he could hardly detect who the entity was, he hasn't heard of him but judging by the precarious phobia on the Skyfathers faces, Wartomb knew something huge was up.

"You're not wanted here Baphometron!" Olorun cautioned, his voice authoritative.

Baphometron stood breathing heavily and relieved, Valdimir, Magnus, Grimatoth and Bythos stood behind the entity also readied in assault of the gods.

They knew they stand not a chance against th
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