Final Preview - Updated Chapter 1

I realized I never released this chapter. I was supposed to release this early, but it's been in my drafts for ages. After I get this out, it's back to the final arc.

Chapter I

When the end came for me, I died how I lived: in the hospital. I've always been sick, even as a child. When I was born, I suffered from complications. I don't know the scientific word for it, but, my immune system was compromised in laymen's terms. Some kind of autoimmune system disease. I couldn't tell you what it was called if you asked me, the word was long and probably had a Latin root.

I spent most of my free time in the hospital. As a child, I was in and out of the hospital all the time. The only place I spent more time than the hospital was school and what a miracle that was. It was the only part of my life that felt somewhat normal and even then, I had missed so much school because of this cursed hospital.

More than once, my mother cried for me, blaming herself. She had given me this weak body and sh
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