Just in case
The fight between the living and the dead carried on as Capt. Zedarh popped up from behind his men and fought Mia one on one; their swords clinking here and there as they tried to get each other, as her crew went on fighting the others, stabbing them in their dead flesh and shoving, kicking and even punching them over the side of the walkway.

Capt. Zedarh was the most feared pirate in the waters, his mere name sent shivers down people’s spines, he commanded three ships at the same time which meant that he had three times the crew and three times the chance of winning any clash and that was who she was fighting? If it wasn’t for the Dalhamavaughn blood that ran through her veins she wouldn’t have stood as strong as she did. Capt. Jules was an excellent swordsman and those skills were the ones she used to match up to Capt. Zedarh’s, which were just as excellent. Which was why the fight they had five years ago took so long and ended up claiming both of their lives, because they were equa
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