Okay, because today is a special day. We give in a revolver. That way your fears will be reduced and am sure from the looks from John kelly eyes. He will not kill any one" the commander turns his gaze at him distrustfully and said

" Right Mr John kelly Arnold" John's face looked intimidating enough that he couldn't tell what is going through his mind. His voice cuts in

"No, I will not kill any one" He replied.

Another fellow with a cat head officer walked up to him and he gives him a black revolver gun.

"Good, now that is settled, then let's move out"  Commander pixes ordered. Police command unit officers begins to suit up on heavy fitted Mecha armor,  armoured to the teeth like the commander. They carry cyber electric gun blasters and moved in such agility into several armored hover vans with out tires but blasted blue gas light energy and drives in mid air. Some entered into eagle type hover helicopter and hatches of hexagonal ship with small Castle like structures at the sides of the ship. 

Boasters boost out blue glowing steamy gas and hovered into the sky and several minutes later. They were positioned in various towering buildings. 

The Nwat snipers take aims from their long guns positioning at different towering buildings with electric walkie talkie place on the ears. 

Some low ranking cops on black uniform helps the flow of traffic, Hover eagle Helicopters and large military choppers pilots the towering futuristic skyscrapers with several towering large holographic images on buildings. A voice from an hover chopper rang out.

"This is Alpha bravo ! Over, can you read me. All clear from my end and the eagle has landed. I repeat the eagle has landed over".

Several luxurious armoured hover vehicle in black with armoured tanks and police bikes as escort swiftly hover low mid air on the tarred road with much authoritative and commanding atmosphere.

"Alpha bravo, we hear you loud and clear. All eyes on eagle one". The chopper billowing noise from it's blade flew pass neighboring houses. 


A tall man suddenly appears standing in front of a towering building. He has a spiky white hair, green emerald eyes and a tattooed bar code zero seven on his neck. He is on a long black trench coat with intricate patterns and colors of red, black combat pants and lace boots. He stretches his arm looking down from a glassy skyscrapers and he speaks.

"Where there is good, there will always be the shadows of evil lurking in the deep of the dark. Love turns to hate and where there is light" He looked at the city and hover choppers flying over glassy building structures and said

"There will always be darkness and where there are cops and hero's of Justice, there is always going to be the league of villain's. Now, how do they think I will play my cards of evil"  

A young boy with full rounded dark blue hair and sharp angular eyes in same clothing with bar code on his neck thirty begins to press a game console control button.

John kelly stood in a crowded place controlling the traffic and checking hover vehicles for arms. He could see mass of people standing by the side walk of the road waving their hands at the amoured convoy vehicles moving swifty across the main tarred road.

He looks at a Blondie young girl about ten on white dress holding white flowers waving at the passing black convoy vehicles. She smiles and a tooth was missing in her set of teeth. John smiles when suddenly, his system pops


A flash glitches in his eyes. He sees the mass of people waving at the vehicle suddenly lay dead on the floor covered and soaked in a pool of blood all over the place. He turns around looking and the structures engulfed in flames, people, cars blow up and dead bodies litters in parts scattering all over the place with heavy black mushroom smokes ascending the sky. 

[HEART RAGE MADNESS-3O%]his heart beats

The glitching suddenly returns back to normal with people waving their hands normally.

"What's the hell was that? It's happening again!. Something disastrous is going to happen!. All this people are going to die and I have to find a way to stop it". He turns his face along with his body looking to and fro swiftly scanning towering buildings looking for the loop to stop it.

"Where Is the loop? I have to find it otherwise things are going to get messy, oh God of heaven, you got to help me"


He sniffles the air smelling for a scent. If I can only catch the scent. Suddenly, his nose catches a familiar scent from a towering building.  

The scent of a man he saw when he was younger injecting him with an encapsuled purple drug and throwing him into a clear liquid formula and his father been dragged away by him. He begins to run angrily towards the scent.

"Hey, John, where are you going? Are you planning on killing some one again? Police officer Arslan Questions

"Sorry, but I have to go. We are all in danger". He bolted running towards the towering building.

Stalion stretching his hand and speaks from the towering building

"Now, this city shall know pain, a pain of a nation betraying his citizen and killing my comrades and my son junior and I shall kill every corrupt leader the way they killed you my Junior and your blood shall pay for a thousand. let's change the futuristic scenery Into dystopian setting shall we". 

He puts on a steam punk golden gas mask with question mark on the side of the mask. He puts on a top Aristocratic hats with several robotic bots and instantly a large plane traveling west instantly change it's course. It travels to the center of the city and aim his nose down swiftly descending to a towering building structure closer to where the cops where stationed.

"Junior, you died by plane crash because of the useless plot of the government to make money  through devious mix crashing that plane. 

"Now a tooth for a tooth"

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