Chapter 188: Meeting The Goblin Knight, Again.

As he arrived in the spawn point of the 19th floor, he immediately changed his identity to the Beast.

And even though people notice him, nobody went crazy at gathering around him like they did if he revealed his identity.

He then took out the file that contained the information relating to the Goblin Knight and followed the map.

He walked slowly and even rented a horse to avoid any unnecessary attention and headed on his way to his destination.

He eventually arrived at a mountain that wasn't that high. In fact, it looked more like hill than a mountain.

There wasn't any player at that place and it seems pretty empty.

Arthur then checked out the place and followed the directions that was written on the file.

He walked up the hill and eventually reached to the top where there was a small cabin.

The cabin was properly lit up and it looked like it had someone living there.

Arthur then approched the cabin but before he could even touch the door, the whole place turned from a cabin to a du
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