Chapter 8: Who’s crazier?

If they didn't go back, there will be “them” in another timeline going to Jenny and Anna. That wasn’t a joke. Before, while building the time machine, Alex had studied paradoxes. That was the possibility that might happen when he used the time machine to create a path through the fourth dimension – called a wormhole – to travel back in time. Not to mention there were other possibilities. For example, their mission was probably successful this time, but when they used the wormhole to go back here again, they would end up on another planet or go back to thousands of years ago.

Or worse, the feedback would destroy the wormhole*. If so, he didn’t know what would happen.

That’s what Alex thought when he pressed the “go” button.

He felt a tremendous amount of energy sucking in them, the wind whistling in his ears like he was riding a roller coaster, but at a speed so fast it almost couldn’t be measured.

Charles, look who’s crazier now, you or me?

“Zap… zap…”

After the sounds of the machine,
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