Chapter 9 : The Craziness of Random Box!

"Do you mean my father?" Timothee felt his heart skip a beat when he heard that his father was looking for him.

"That's right, tonight the Grand Master is waiting for you in the mansion." Armand said that while dropping his head, he knew that Timothee hated it when he had to meet his whole family in the main mansion.

Timothee involuntarily took a deep breath, feeling desperate at this point, “Okay, you can go back.” Timothee walked past Armand and left the man in the backyard alone.

Timothee went back into his room to consider what he would do when he met his whole family at the main mansion.

For some reason Olliver felt sad and gloomy as soon as he heard that Timothee's father wanted him to meet him at the main mansion, it seemed that Timothee had really been disappointed with his family.

Finally, Timothee decided to do the rest of his daily quest, he was sure that his meditation task had been completed earlier, only the plank remained.

Timothee also positioned himself to do a pla
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