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By: LIGht Pen CompletedSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 80 views: 31.6K

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The earth is suddenly invaded by aliens who call themselves the Daegi causing humanity to fight and prevent their extinction, when peace treaty is signed between the two forces, humanity realizes that there could be another upcoming war and the race to surpass their limits begin. --------- Roshan, our young MC faces bullying and disgrace due to his lack of abilities and strength, but one day, he stumbles upon into a ditch and finds a book which granted him access to an unimaginable power and unparalleled strength, pushing him into a universe of strange possibilities. With each passing day, he undergoes profound transformation evolving him into a being of pure power, a weapon of mass destruction above the limits of humanity. However, as Roshan’s abilities begin to grow, so does the danger that surround him. Roshan realizes soon that the Daegis were merely pawns in much dangerous scheme, now as the strongest human on the planet, Roshan must stop the extinction of his race. As Roshan begins to fully understand and discover the secrets of the system’s creation, he also begins to uncover the hidden truths of his own identity. Would he be able to cling on to his humanity, harness his powers, build up organizations, forge alliances, and still protect those he loves or will the prospect of becoming a god lead him to a dark path of no return? [HOST : ROSHAN TALON] [QUEST RECEIVED] [QUEST: RETRIEVE THE GEM OF A KING TIER] [QUEST REWARD: NEW ABILITY]

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  • Saadia Gure


    One of the best books I have ever read. Good work dear Author, I don't mind spending to buy all the chapters. I hope you will keep on updating many chapters. Mob love and good luck

    2024-01-24 09:09:20
  • LIGht Pen


    Author. Hi peoplee don't forget to drop reviews and suggestions,I have ALOT in store for ya'll and I'm releasing more next year.... so keep your hopes up Have a nice yearr.

    2023-12-29 17:57:10
  • LIGht Pen


    Author. I'm planning on a new book release guys and I'm going to be dropping releases on Wednesday and Saturday from now on. ...... Thanks for understanding guys. The reason I haven't updated for a week now is because of my new books and some personal things but I'll try to soon. Thanks for reading

    2023-09-17 13:39:28
  • Denise Skelley


    great job writing love the story

    2023-09-09 05:42:24
  • Josie writes


    I love your novel ......

    2023-07-02 20:29:28
  • LIGht Pen


    Yes Guys, I'm back to writing please do enjoy

    2023-04-24 12:48:12
  • Tama kun


    I love your story

    2023-01-09 20:43:11
  • Hank3


    it is wonderful the way Roshan is always for a better to level up

    2022-12-31 16:08:19
  • Necifen Pikit


    im starting to liking it ..

    2022-11-13 08:02:03
  • Jackie Connolly


    great read

    2022-10-31 02:22:25
  • Myrtle


    Nice use of imaginative skills

    2023-07-25 06:31:20
  • dmacd


    This story is worthy of your time. I hope the author persists and endures through the tough times and takes comfort that this work has value and brings enjoyment to us, the readers. Keep it up.

    2024-06-09 22:30:05
  • Abigail Bermoy


    I Love the book very much. I'm always waiting for the new chapters,good luck author

    2023-12-22 05:56:48
  • storm mckinnon


    Enjoyed the book, looking forward to additional chapters, keep up the good work

    2023-09-19 06:09:16
  • Silengahilary


    Hey author I thought you left us in a lurch. Glad you are back. I am just enjoying this book. Keep up the good works..

    2023-09-09 06:12:32
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80 chapters
*CHAPTER ONE*_*WHAT IS THIS*_“Faster!!.... Harder!!...quicken your movements, sharpen your stance, apply pressure!!” The old man yelled as he easily blocked every attack of the younger boy, causing him to stumble on his feet. The boy heaved slowly, his shiny, black hair moving slowly in the wind. He rested his hands on his knees, panting and trying to calm his beating heart which was getting louder by the minute. He had been at this since morning, and he wasn’t able to lay a single strike on him. He tightened his grip on the wooden sword, and looked up to see the old man frowning at him, it was obvious that he wasn’t pleased. He took a stance immediately, closed his eyes taking a deep breath, gripped his sword tighter, and jumped with his eyes wide open and ready to strike. As fast as the wind, he raised his sword, and a faint smile could be seen on his lips, ‘Got you now, old man,'He struck but the old man’s figure quickly eluded him, and all he could feel was the breeze of
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CHAPTER 2**THE SYSTEM**Roshan picked the book and looked around it, he tried to open it but nothing was working, he even used his dagger to pry open the book but nothing worked however as he tried using his dagger, the knife slipped out of his hand and grazed his finger causing a small drop of blood to fall on the book.Immediately the blood fell, he heard a monotone voice*Bloodline recognised*«Bloodline?? What the hell was that» Roshan thought but before he could think of anything else, he heard another statement*Roshan Talon**Would you like to access the System*«What kind of name was that? The person who made this thing must have been really boring» Roshan thought to himself. He actually wanted to know what was in the book but he felt like he needed to show his father before he did anything because this object was really strangeHis Curiosity took the best of him“Yes, I would like to access the System” It felt even weirder saying itA bright light was shown and immediately t
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He was excited as he thought of every possible things the system would give him but he realised it was only an instant level up that the system promised. He was a little bit disheartened because that was the only reward.He received a notification from the system and he immediately wanted to see what it was.*QUEST ACHIEVED**REWARDS: Instant Level Up*All of sudden, Roshan felt this new surge of energy coming from deep within and he was renewed*HOST LEVEL: Level 2*CURRENT ABILITY: None*STRENGTH: 11*AGILITY: 9*SPEED: 10*STAMINA: 8‹Mage Status›*Mage Level: 0*Magic Ability: None*Mana Control: 0HP: [15/15]EXP: [0/15]*One free stat has been obtained*Looking through his status, Roshan could only marvel, he had never expected this kind of reward. He went through all his attributes and saw that they all gained a point increase from him completing the quest.He noticed he had what the system called a free stat. ‘What the hell was that’s he wondered. It was as if the system heard
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It wasn’t the time for celebration as loud footsteps were heard, coming closer to them. As it got nearer, a menacing pressure was felt. One that sent shivers down their spine.They knew it was not over but what could they do now. Their strength was dissipating.The footsteps came closer and they could finally see it.‘No..he did it, the bastard actually went and did it’ Gray’s mind screamed in anger and sadness. His fist was clenchedWhat they were looking at right now was a creature born from a Deagi, human and beast. It was hideous but the pressure felt by it’s mere presence made their back wet with fear.They knew they had to take it down somehow.“Let’s do this, just as old times” Gray smiled bitterly as he held the hand of his wife and pulled her up. She smiled back and her eyes turned white.Veins reaching out to her eyes and bulging out from her face. She looked at the monster with deep hatred.Gray dropped his sword and coated his hand with a red and white flame. He had to go
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Roshan dragged the beast he had killed to his home following his home to lead him into the right path.His body worked tirelessly until he perceived an unfamiliar scent, followed by the scent of smoke coming directly from where his home was.He knew there was trouble.Dropping the carcass of the beast, he ran forward to find the house on fire.He walked in surprised, his heart beating louder with every step.He looked everywhere for his parents only to find dead bodies of people he had no clue about.The strange unfamiliar scent got stronger and he ran to the back of the house.What he met there scared him to the bones, he could see a creature“What the hell is that” He said as he took a step back.He immediately saw his mother get killed in front of him and his world shook.His knees wobbled as he hit the floor miserably and tears started flowing uncontrollably.His loving mother was gone and there was nothing he could do about it. He was just too weak to do anything.He watched in h
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A faint of glimmer of light showed in his eyes.His vision was blurryHe felt like he had been druggedHis head banged continuously“Where the hell am I!!”He opens his eyes widely to take in the view of a roof.He realised he was in a bed. He tried to stand up when he heard a deep voice. “ I wouldn’t do that if I were you, your body’s still not strong”. His eyes travelled to find a old man stirring a pot.“Who are you” “Where am I”Roshan sat up and narrowed his eyes to look at the man.“That’s a harsh way to thank someone who has been taking care of you for the past one week now” The old man calmly said.“ONE WEEK!!!!” He exclaimed. He had been out for one week“I found you on the ground in front of a damaged cottage, took you in and have been taking care of you since” The old man finally looked up at him.“Why??” Roshan said as he looked at the strange man.The old man kept quiet and stared at him.Roshan face reddened as he remembered his manners.“I am sorry, I mean, Thank You f
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*HOST LEVEL: Level 9*CURRENT ABILITY: None*STRENGTH: 19*AGILITY: 18*SPEED: 19*STAMINA: 17‹Mage Status›*Mage Level: 0*Magic Ability: None*Mana Control: 0HP: [150/150]EXP: [0/150]*Skills Unlocked**Energy Absorption: Level 2*Refill: Level 1*Crystal Iris: Level 1*SP: [150/150]*No free stats obtained**Quest: Kill five Level 1 beasts**Quest Rewards: Instant Level Up**Quest Details: [0/5]*His mouth scrunched up in annoyance as he looked at the quest. He had to kill five..FIVE Level ones.He only succeeded in the first quest because the Dim Dog was a general weakling but but he still struggled a little just to finally end it’s life.Roshan had forgotten that he wasn’t the little boy he used to be.Roshan stood up and picked up the sword at least he could sell it and get some coins for it and he could repay that kind old man’s deed.He stood up and made his way to the forest at least the system didn’t say he had to complete the quest in one day.He could at least try his n
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*****************Then a screen appeared in his head.*HOST LEVEL: Level 10*HOST RACE: Greater Human*CURRENT ABILITY: None*STRENGTH: 20*AGILITY: 20*SPEED: 20*STAMINA: 20‹Mage Status›*Mage Level: 0*Magic Ability: None*Mana Control: 0HP: [200/200]EXP: [0/200]*Skills Unlocked**Energy Absorption: Level 3*Refill: Level 2*Crystal Iris: Level 2*SP: [200/200]*No free stats obtained**Quest: Kill five Level 1 beasts**Quest Rewards: Instant Level Up**Quest Details: [2/5]**Daily Quest Unlocked**Daily Quest: Run 20 kilometres*Roshan’s mouth was hung open as he read through the screen.The first thing that caught his attention was the new added feature‘Human Race...’He was a greater human??‘What the hell was that!!’He asked himselfAnother surprising thing was the Daily Quest he saw at the end of the screen.‘How was he supposed to run 20 miles in a day’ He groaned in agony.The system gave him no response which annoyed him even more.Well…he had to become stronger.He p
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He immediately got into his fighting stance as he grapped his sword.Taking light steps towards the source of the sound.A large looking pig like shaped creature with the head of a rodent jumped out of the bush taking Roshan by surprise but due to his speed and agility, he was able to avoid the attack.He would have said the creature looked like a giant rat but the protruding biceps on all four of its limb contrasted with its thin body that the shape of its ribs were visible and it was a pretty ugly shape.The nauseating smell made the black haired boy cringe his nose in disgust.“Crystal Iris activate” He mentally said*Raret*Level 1*Ability: Poison*HP: [10/10]Now that his crystal iris had levelled up, he would be able to tell the health points of his opponent.“Hmmm…poison, that would explain this horrible stench” Roshan thought as he pointed his weapon at the beast who was growling at the intruder in its territory.‘sssssssssst’ green gas flowed out from the skin pores of the b
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“Who was that boy”“I know him…” A boy who was shorter than his age stated“I heard it was because of him, his family died and their house got burnt” The boy continued“That’s not possible, who would kill their own family” the scratchy voice came from a boy who looked like a round ball.“That’s not what I said, rumours said the boy is cursed, how will a whole family die and leave him alone” the short boy furrowed his eyebrows, he hated when people would twist his words.“He was pretty strong” one of the boys said with a low voice.“He wasn’t that strong, look at the way he struggled during the fight” One of the bigger boys scoffed“No…look at his last move, he must have been holding back” The round boy said, he believed Roshan was a lot stronger than he showed them.“He must be a lot stronger than Bahr” he continued“WHO SAID THAT!!!!!!!” A loud voice boomed scattering the whole gathering. Loud footsteps could be heard walking confidently to the area of the gathering.The short boy im
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