Flow of traffic

After defeating the evil spirit haunting Manami, the System gave Niel the reward of the sub-quest and it was an increase in strength. It gave Niel a supposed minor boost in strength. Even though it was called a minor boost it didn't feel like one. Niel was already pretty strong before but after gaining the System's reward his strength grew to an unbelievable degree. Right now he could easily lift sixty kilograms with one hand.

The minor strength also granted him greater endurance and it even changed his body a bit making him look a tiny bit more muscular. There was also another reward which was Twenty System coins.

Aside from the System's reward, Niel received the reward money from Manami. She gave Niel as much as a hundred thousand yen which was obviously not an amount an ordinary high school girl should have. At first, Niel wanted to refuse the money and say something cool like a protagonist of shonen manga, but he desperately needed the money so he took it.

When the morning sun sh
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