Chapter 40 - Point Nemo (part 9)

Soon after the race, the grand clock on the ship makes a loud ringing, signalling the midday of the second day. The shops start their first wave of visitor reception after the vibrant night, although the traffic is not high yet.

Mirai and I are occupying a bench in the corner of the invention room. I am waiting for her to analyse the camera footage and compile the statistics regarding the recent occurrences. Without any specialised tools to do data analysis, and with a supercomputer next to me, maybe even better than a supercomputer, I cannot perform any calculations, and I would not even attempt to do so. The only thing that Mirai shows me is a percentage bar that slowly runs to a hundred per cent.

- How long until you finish the data analysis? - I start to feel impatient, as the bar starts to slow down.

- I have very little data, you know? And I need to perform extra calculations to maximise accuracy, at the cost of time. Just find something around here to p
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