A barrage of questions

I just prevented a hand grenade from entering the cabin. It would have been disastrous if it did. These are special grenades. Capable of totally blowing up this room.

I look behind to see them. Ratri is looking not too bad. She has had previous experiences with these things so it might not be too much for her. Now that I think about it, all of them have had such experiences.

Both ojou-sama and Mona are daughters of Yakuza. They should be used to seeing guns and stuff. Ariel used to lead an all girls gang. I am not saying that she is used to it but she should be okay.

However, my thoughts were too lukewarm and happy go lucky. They are totally not okay. Ojou-sama is shivering.

I can see her moist eyes. She is on the brink of crying. Ariel is all restless. She is walking all over the place. Mona is just standing like a statue.

But then she just fell on her seat. She probably lost her strength.

“This is gonna get ugly. You guys should just leave.”

They are clearly nearby. I think they a
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