The weak

Being a commander was not an easy task, the people still want to know what had happened to Detective Joe and his partner, all the evidence the search team were able to gather lead to the fact that they had ran away but that's very unusual of them, they never back down until the job is done. Adam and some detectives from other were in his office discussing about how the investigation was going when a call came into the station, they found Joe lay helplessly in a pool of his own blood, he was unconscious and his body was very cold like he had been there for a very long time. The call came in from South Carolina thousands of miles away from Breuer Hills. It was going to take two days to get there by air, since Adam the commander was also leaving with them he planned to put detective Peter in charge, he was still on his detective train and he was the son of the commander so he should be able to handle the station while they were gone.

The attack did not reduced and the officers st
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