11 C++ Rank Dungeon


[A rank C++ dungeon has been detected. Do you wish to get in?]

[Yes] Rayan has selected.

The dimensional rift started to shine and when it dimmed, he got a system notification.


[You can now enter with your team]

When Rayan received the notification, he ordered his teammates to dive in, when they got through, they find themselves in a forest but unfortunately for them, they have found themselves in the middle of a pack of werewolves.

The werewolves seemed to be surprised by their apparition, they were not prepared to meet an enemy right here. When they were about to attack the humans that had appeared before them, Rayan and his teammates were faster and started to slaughter them one by one.

There were at least twenty werewolves surrounding them, but Rayan used ‘ice field’ and froze their movement and let his teammates lunch their attack on them. The four warriors and three tanks, threw themselves into the middle of the pack and start stabbing and slashing, busted by all t
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