Chapter 40

When Wang Mei walked to the lift that led her to Kim YoSoo's office, she couldn't help but frown and wondered what kind of matter it would be since usually, Chou Wen would be the chosen one to attend the briefings.

Finally, she got there and greeted An Shen who said, "They are already waiting for you inside."

The word 'they' caused Wang Mei to raise her eyebrows before she excused herself. She knocked a few times until there was a reply. When she turned the doorknob and was about to enter, she noticed a man's face who made her rooted on the spot.

"It's you!" subconsciously, she cried out as her eyes widened. As the people in the room heard her voice, they directed their attention to her, especially the man who simply smiled at her bewildered look.

"We meet again, miss Wang Mei." Yunzheng said his clothes were different from the white long sleeved ones that he wore in his confinement. This time, he wore a blue polo and long black pants, along with a red jacket.

"No need to be alarm
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