Heating Up

Wake Up




Wake Up

My eyes explode open and I feel fire boiling my flesh causing me to scream in agony. Blood pours out of my mouth and my lungs burst open only to reform again.

This pain is…too much. Why am I going through this? What is happening? Instantly, I feel bugs slithering on my legs and arms, holding me down. Forcing me into the flames.

I fight back, struggle, and push away the bugs but their grip on me tightens. Not again, I don’t want to die again.


*Door flings open*

What happened?!”

Sorry, he’s just having a really bad nightmare.”

More bugs crawl into my mouth eating up the blood flooding it. No, please don’t crawl in there! NO!

Let me through!”

No! Not another one! Get bac-

Nao, wake up! Please honey, wake up.”

Nao: “Huh?”

Another bug consumes my form but it’s…warm. My body cools and the flames subside. The skin that was torn and burnt returns. My vision clears and I see bodies without faces.

My eyes slide over to the girl hovering at the door with concern covering her face. For some reason, I feel something from this warmth and the girl. Their faces return and I try to breathe air that’s strangely not filled with smoke.

Nao: “Where…am I?”

You’re home, whatever happened in that dream is over. You’re okay.”



I return the hug and sigh in relief.

Nao: “I am okay now, thank you…mom.”

Nell: “Are you sure? I never seen you like this before?”

Nao: “I’m sure. It was…just a dream.”

Nell: “…Can everyone give me a minute with Nao.”

Everyone leaves with worry still on their faces. Now I’m all alone with my mother, sitting on the bed soaked with my sweat.

Nell: “Nao, do you want to talk about the dream?”

Nao: “I…can’t remember it.”

Nell: “I see…maybe it’s for the best. Do you want me to stay with you?”

Nao: “…Yes please.”

I embraced the warmth once again and held onto it for dear life. We stayed like that for a while before the silence was broken once again.

Nell: “If there’s anything bothering you, at home or at school, please tell me. It won’t inconvenience me or this home.”

Nao: “…I’ll tell you, I promise.”

Nell: “Good, I’ll cook you and Alyson some food. Take as much time as you need to collect yourself.”

And so the warmth leaves me in this cold room with the only light coming from the window overhead.

I sit there in silence for an unknown amount of time. I…just sat there, staring at the wall. Eventually, I collected enough of my pieces to leave the room.

Standing outside, leaning against the wall in front of me, was Alyson.

Alyson: “Are you…okay?”

Nao: “Yeah, thanks for caring.”

Alyson: “…I want you to know, you’re off the Black List. I won’t be responsible if you…

Alyson: “I’m going out, I hope you’re better by the time I get back.”

She left before I could say anything in response to her strange brand of….affection?

I go downstairs to see the group looking with worry. They crowd me, asking me questions I have no answers to.

That pain and…whatever happened before, that wasn’t all due to increasing my stats…right?

Anthony: “Maybe we should postpone our plans for a while.”

Nao: “No, I’m good. I can do it. Alyson will leave after eating breakfast which will give me an opportunity to see her outside the house.”

Anthony: “…I guess. Fine, we’ll see you later today for the magic items.”

Nao: “Oh yeah….got it.”

The group said their goodbyes and left our home. I went to the kitchen to eat my first meal of the day with mom. Alyson seems to have taken her food to go so it was just mom and me.

We said nothing but that was okay. Just being near her was putting me back together. I thanked her for the food and went into the bathroom. Time to find my ideal form for Alyson.

I look into the mirror and Nao stares back. I breathe in and out, thinking of what to change myself into. Someone else, someone not Nao. The answer came easily and so I closed my eyes.

The next time I opened them, someone else stared back. Tall, handsome with a clean shave, well built, and a different facial structure. This person looked nothing like me but the form…it felt right.

Even my clothes seem to change to fit my new body. I don’t know how exactly this spell changes my clothes too but I don’t question it. It’s too convenient to be suspicious.

I regretfully revert back and leave the bathroom. I still need to leave here as Nao, as me. I’ll transform somewhere safe and try to find Alyson at her usual hideouts.

I go to my room and grab the best clothes I can. They have to be nice but generic enough to not give anything away. The best I could find was a form-fitting black t-shirt and jeans. I go downstairs and to the front door while hoping this is enough.

Nell: “Where are you going Nao?”

Nao: “I’m going to the bookstore, I need something to relax my mind.”

Nell: “O-Of course, I’ll see you later. Right, Nao?”

Nao: “Don’t worry mom, I will be back. You won’t stay here alone for long.”

I open the front door and head towards the local cafe. It’s a humble little store with white round tables out front. Alyson may be queen but she doesn’t really have friends. Too busy studying to care about such things.

This is one of those spots she goes to relax while working on school work or just studying. Luckily, I pick right. She sitting at the middle table drinking a smoothie while studying.

I stay out of sight and sneak into the store bathroom. I find an empty stall and close my eyes once again.

*Breathe In*

*Breath Out*

I exit the bathroom a new man with clothes really fitting my muscular build. I stride out of the bathroom with confidence that only builds the glances I get.

The girl at the counter and some with boyfriends take in my body. Yes, this is what I wanted. I soak in their attention and go back outside towards Alyson.

Nao: “Hey, is this seat taken?”

Alyson: “…No.”

I ignore her dismissive glare and set down with a casual smile. Now, let’s see what’s in that head sis.

Mind reading.

Alyson: (Great, another try hard desperate to get with me. At least this one is cute.)

At least I’m cute, it’s a start.

Nao: “So what are you working on?”

Alyson: “Paperwork that doesn’t really consider you.”

Nao: “Ouch, I can see that I’m not the first guy to hit on you. So I won’t, I’m new in town and just looking for a friend.”

Alyson: “And out of everyone you choose me to be your first friend?”

Nao: “Yeah, you’re the most interesting person I’ve seen so far. A pretty girl hard at work, that I assume is school-related, on a Saturday. As soon as I saw that I thought, this girl has a story to tell.”

Nao: “Besides, I like hard workers. They’re the ones that can go the distance in life.”

Alyson: “…Okay, you got my attention. My name is Alyson, what’s yours?”

Nao: “Hm….my name is….Alphon. Nice to meet you Alyson, I hope this is the start of a beautiful relationship.”

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