Chapter 39 - Three Dust Chamber

Chapter 39 – Three Dust Chamber

Meanwhile, Alistar was abruptly forced awake after hearing a loud thud that resounded from the duellet wall.

‘Aah, it’s about time to leave here.’ He quickly transformed into an Oxyl and turned the two cub who looked scared.

Alistar slowly walked towards the tightly closed door and only stopped when he stood directly in front of it. Beside the door was three different colored tube which became a mystery to him as he stared in awe. He turned his gaze to the golden dust of the animated mage some seconds later and back to on of the tube which was golden in color.

‘I don’t believe it.” He immediately transformed into his real form and hurried to pick a handful of the golden dust and poured it into the golden tube.

A glow suddenly illuminated from the golden tube, but the door remained stiff almost as if nothing different happened.

‘Impossible, this isn’t possible.’ Alistar cried inwardly and immediately began to pound on the doo
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