From the Past

“Where do I start?” Stephen asked.

“That morning, who did you speak to?” Robert questioned his friend as they were careful to go through every detail.

“The first person I spoke to was Amalia, she was up early and crying as if I had died.” Stepehn laughed and shook his head. Little did they all know that that night, Amalia’s fears would become a reality.

“Did what she told you change your mind?” Edward asked his friend as he refilled his glass of liquor.

“No.” Stephen confidently answered. “I smiled and laughed and told her that I would be back in a few months when we had a break from school. We then went down to breakfast with grandpa, uncle, and my mom.”

“Why was your uncle there?” Robert asked as he looked Stephen in the eyes. “If I recall correctly, your Uncle William rarely had meals with the family.”

“It was my sending off meal.” Stephen told his friends. “Everyone was required to be there, but my Uncle William didn’t want his wife around, he was telling us how she might be pre
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