Chapter. 10. The Emergence of Memória     

I vomited blood after finishing fixing the memories with the Harpyie. The black blood mixed with the fresh red blood of the humans I sucked as punishment the Harpyie had given me. In my heart I cursed Memória who gave the task of the curse only part of it. I don't understand what the purpose of doing that is. 

“Explain to me fully the task of the curse of Memória, Harpyie,” I begged the bird girl. 

Harpyie took me back to the apartment in Saint Petersburg's City, which I don't know who owns. She sat casually, his legs crossed on the sofa. 

"Ah, wait a minute I'm tired after the long journey of repairing those human memories." Harpyie leaned her head on the sofa. 

I wonder why the bird girl prefers to use the form of a girl wearing a lolita dress? Is she uncomfortable with her true form? Hearing my thoughts, suddenly Harpyie turned and glared at me who had just come out of the toilet. 

"I want to use whatever form I want! You don't have to protest, Vampire!" Hardik Harpyie did not accept. 

Tch, very sensitive. Ah, she glared again. This time I kept my mind silent so I wouldn't say much. However, it turned out to be very difficult. I kept thinking about why Memória wouldn't show up to give an explanation about the Harpies. I called repeatedly, the bridge of his nose was not visible.

"It's useless for you to call a badass like Memória. He is very difficult to manage. I told you he was punished by blindfolding him. The cloth cannot be opened without the Creator's permission," Harpyie chimed this time as she moved to the uninhabited kitchen area of ​​the apartment. 

Between the living room and kitchen. The girl opened the refrigerator. Take an apple and eat it casually. Truly a creature that enjoys life. By the way, I'm still wondering whose apartment we stayed in? 

"This apartment belongs to the late parents of the girl I used her form for. Oh, yes. This girl too has died in a shattered state because she jumped from this apartment. It's a shame, even though her hopes are full of the desire to survive. This girl's collection of memories about people His parents haven't been able to make his hopes come true," explained Harpyie. 

It turned out that he was using the human form of the owner of this apartment. Then when he first brought me here why did he say he didn't know…. A second later I realized he was pulling out his claws to beat me. 

"Oi, oi. Wait a minute! Be patient, Harpyie. I know you're upset that I'm too curious. However, I'm just curious there's no other intention behind my questions and statements." I shuffled away from the Harpyie who clearly looked furious. 

The Harpyie snorted harshly. Then without guilt already threatening me with her claws out she just said, "Okay, I was just kidding earlier."

I had to hold back my thoughts not to curse at the bird girl. Wait! Did he mention memories to make wishes come true? Wouldn't he be giving an explanation of that other than the task of the Memória curse? 

"If you're really curious, sit down! So that our bodies are parallel. It's a bit tricky to wear a short child like this," said Harpyie while holding the hem of her lolita dress. Tell who to use that form? 

Well, my mind is free. I spontaneously closed my eyes waiting for a scratch on the skin, a hit to the head or a smack to the stomach from a Harpyie. However, neither of that happened. I just gasped when I opened my eyes. The face with the real Harpyie is right in front of me. It was only inches away from my face. 

"Damn you, Harpyie!" I screamed, rubbing my chest in shock. 

"Ha, ha. Isn't this the form you want to see, Claude?" 

"That's not what I meant! But… ah never mind. You'd better explain my question about memories as a form of hope for humans or maybe animals too," I pleaded, overcoming the uneasy feeling of being surprised by the Harpyie's true form. 

This time the Harpyie retains its original form. She sat at the table opposite the sofa, where I sat. 

"As I explained earlier, my job is to form hopes that come from the threads of memories belonging to creatures on this earth. Just like memories, hope has two kinds. Good memories and bad memories. Both types of memories form human expectations. carry on with their lives or just quit." I listened carefully to Harpyie's explanation.

"Then what if the memories are erased?" asked Harpyie to which he answered himself, "then the hope that should have been formed for the future has experienced an imbalance because there is a missing part. Even though that part could be one of the factors in forming the hope that humans want. For that I am the maker of hope that comes from memories. humans act. And mine should be in line with yours, Claude." 

"And my question is, why didn't you show up the first time Memória cursed me? In fact, it's only been hundreds of years since I've served you before?" I asked. 

Harpyie was a bit taken aback by my question. She clenched his claws and placed them near his lips. Then cleared his throat. It seemed that she was hiding something. 

"Come on, answer. And it's not really the scratches and smacks and smacks I receive in response from you," I urged. 

"Yes, answer. Bird girl!" Suddenly the voice I knew when I was dying came from the apartment window. 

"Memória!" Harpyie and I said in unison. 

The Harpyie suddenly put on a stance wary of the sudden appearance of Memória. She hissed, glaring viciously at Memória. In the blink of an eye, the Harpyie had launched a claw towards the hovering black-robed creature. 

Memória made no attempt to dodge the Harpyie's attacks. He calmly caught the Harpyie's claws and then slammed the bird girl's body onto the floor. The Harpyie screeched in pain. 

To think that Memória could easily knock out a Harpyie's attack. 

"Are you amazed, Senhor Claude?" said Memória. 

I suddenly stumbled upon the Harpyie's defeat. I saw Harpyie glaring with a threatening look in her eyes. I swallowed. I forgot I was dealing with powerful figures from another dimension. 

"N-that's not Memória. Where have you been? I called more than a dozen times you didn't show up like you said before!" I said angrily. 

“Just a moment, I'll take care of this sweet bird first,” Memória said, holding the Harpyie's body that was sprawled on the floor and being held back by some kind of Memória's power.

"Let go of me! You old bastard! Coward, you damn loser!" The Harpyie's mouth swore at Memória. 

Memória bowed his body. He grabbed the Harpyie by the neck and grabbed her and lifted her into the air. The harpyie thrashed. Her claws gripped Memória's hand holding the grip of Memória's palm tightly. 

“Calm yourself, Young Creature! You know it is not good to attack something far more experienced than you,” said Memória.

“You …,” Harpyie hissed. 

Holding the Harpyie's body that was lifted into the air, Memória calmly asked me, "How? How? Is there something you want to ask or is there something I should help you with, Senhor Vampiro?" 

That call  again. Yeah, never mind I don't care." Why didn't you show up when I called you in the midst of the Harpyie fray?" I couldn't see the look in Memória's eyes because they were covered in black cloth. 

Only Memória's eyebrows rose as if surprised by my question?" 

"Who said I didn't show up? I came. But watching with my mind's eye Senhor Vampiro being chased by a Harpyie was really fun," Memória said, ending with a hearty laugh. 

Realizing that I was surrounded by errands of the Creator who were insane, I wished I could summon Morte right then and there.

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