Chapter 85: First University Party Bash

At Hershey Dormitory

Jade Alberto suddenly arrives at Hershey's dorm to invite her to the party.

"Are you ready to go?" Jade asked.

"Where will we go?" Hershey stared at her, annoyed that he had woken up.

"You know to the party. I told you this is the beginning of school bash. Where they introduce the new pledges for the year, the skunks come out and who knows what else." Jade stated with laughter in her voice.

Hershey sighed, running her hands over her hair, "Whatever, I'm going back to sleep, see you on Monday."

"Foolish girl, I drove all the way over here to pick your black ass up."

Hershey laughed, "Don't you know that's a discriminatory remark?"

"Shut up, you know the dark-skinned, and fair-skinned men and women, white-skinned men and women, aren't their groins really black? So why can't I say get your black ass up and out. We're gonna go to the party gurl!"

This made Hershey giggle again, "I have company."

Jade Alberto took off her glasses and pushed them over her dark hair. Dar
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