Chapter 6 A Friend in Need

The next day, Reginaldo is wearing an outfit left by Anestor to go away. He is already better and willing.

As he returns home, Reginaldo does not hear a soul. He wiggles and leaves.


Laura stands before Mr. Antonio Ferreira, her father, in the management of the Hotel Ferreira. Gray, serious and focused on business, shows he only wants to spare a few minutes for his daughter.

"Dad, I want to divorce Reggie."

"What kind of talk is that, daughter? There's never been a divorce in the history of the Ferreira Family."

Laura asks being ironic, "Has there been in the history of the Ferreira Family a forced marriage because the bride was sexually forced?"

Antonio doesn't flinch, "No, back then we were conservative and didn't mix with the scum of society in fifth-rate nightclubs."

Laura gets the clue, "Dad, Night Lagoon is an excellent establishment, only the upper crust of society frequents that place."

"And they keep behaving beastly? Daughter, we can't let Lagoon City call you a failed wife."

"But I'm not the one who failed! All of Sunset Village already knows that I'm married to a popsicle vendor."

"And now you want the rest of Brazil knowing that? Daughter, we have to keep up appearances. Even though Reggie is not the best example of a man in the world, weigh the fact that he has never hurt you."

"But, Dad..."

Antonio cuts her off sternly, "Today we are having in the hotel ballroom the birthday party for the daughter of one of Lagoon City's influential families, the Mendonças. You two need to attend."

Laura feels astonished.

After this, Laura returns home frustrated and stomping hard. The smell of food coming from the kitchen might cheer her up, but Laura just frowns and twitches her nose.

As she enters the kitchen, she feels trembling as she sees Reginaldo making lunch. A pot is cooking meatballs in tomato sauce. The oven is baking macaroni and cheese. Reginaldo is at the sink washing lettuce as a salad.

"You raped how many female bathers today?" she questions him.

Reginaldo smiles wryly and doesn't answer.

"You won't even look at me?"

If Reginaldo turned to her, Laura would see the band-aid on his forehead.

"I need to concentrate on food preparation." He answers wryly.

Laura reacts sourly, "Don't set another plate, I'll eat at the restaurant nearby!"

"Did you get money from Daddy again?"

"Sure, your sales as a popsicle vendor are of no use to me!"

Reginaldo hardens his voice, "My sales don't reach your $2,000 shoes!"

"And you want me to dress like you? How will our neighbors react when they see the daughter of the owner of the Ferreira Hotel dressed in a shabby way?"

"Ask them to pay for a Chanel outfit if it bothers them so much. Those who criticize have to help!"

Laura winks with complete contempt. She pretends to talk about the party, then gives up.

She turns her back and walks away. Reginaldo finally turns to her.

But Laura has already left.

Reginaldo smiles and turns off the stove. Lunch is ready and he goes to eat alone.

Hours later, Reginaldo is swimming in the pool wearing only a black swimsuit that would make Laura drool and cancel the idea of divorce. The vigorous strokes make him look like he is competing in an Olympic swimming championship.

His cell phone rings.

Reginaldo interrupts his swim and approaches the lounger where his cell phone is. He is surprised to see who called.

"Hello, George? What happened?"

On the other end, a young man named George talks desperately to Reginaldo, "Reggie, I know it's been a long time, but I need help!"

"What do you mean, man? What happened?"

"I'm being evicted from our loft. I've been unemployed for a long time and I haven't been able to get anything. The landlord is out of patience at all!"

"Man, that's tough." Reginaldo tks with his tongue.

"Reggie, I wouldn't bother you ever, but... I couldn't think of anyone else. Would it be abuse to ask for some financial help from you? I know you're with a wealthy wife. Would she..."

"No chance, man, Laura's talking about divorce." Reginaldo reacts with displeasure.

"And there's no way YOU can lend me even a token amount?"

Reginaldo is upset that he is penniless...

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