2. Secret Underground Labyrinth, Sarania

Her legs stiffened and her hands couldn't stop shaking. Her excuse of a bed banged against the hallow walls of the labyrinth and could be heard throughout the rest of the camp.  

Alora's roommate, Layla, woke up from to the sound of the loud ruckus.

"I swear if don't stop moving around, I'm going to fucking kill you.", she hopped out of the bottom bunk. "The sun isn't even up yet." 

She climbed the metal foot ladder and onto the top bunk. Alora entire body was shaking, her hazel eyes were open and locked onto the ceiling. 

"Shit.", she yanked Alora's blanket and tossed it on the ground. She held her arms and shook her. 

"Not again.", she tapped Alora's face. "Come on wake up!", Alora's eyes began to dilate, her body spasms worsened. 

"Zain!!!", she cried. 

Zain came in with his cane in hand. "What is?, What's happening?", he asked.

"It's Alora.", her eyes watered up, "I don't know what's happening." 

Layla got off the ladder and Zain hopped right on. He touched Alora's hand. It felt like Ice. He put his hand on her head and it felt like scorching fire. 

"Layla go to Thomas and get me my charm bag." 

Layla just stood there and got lost in the sight of Alora's suffering. Her eyes began to tear up. 

Zain looked down at Layla. 

"Layla go now!" 

"Is she going to be fine?" 

"I said go!", he shouted.

Layla left the room. Zain got on the bed and laid Alora's body in his arms. 

"Easy there Princess.", he whispered, "Relax." 

Layla came running back with the a brown dragon skin bag In hand. The sound of bottles hitting against each other followed as she ran. 

She tossed him the bag, he tried to reach for it but the bag landed on the bed. He grabbed the bag and unzipped it. He turned the bag upside down and dozens of charm bottles fell out.

He scavenged around the bottles and found a yellow bottle. 

"There we go." He cracked open the bottle and forced open Alora's mouth. 

"I hope this works.", he poured the charm potion into her mouth.

 He let go of her and her body stopped shaking. Her legs slowly relaxed and she went back to a peaceful sleep. 

"What did you do?", Layla asked. 

"You really do have to appreciate Fairies and their potions.", he got off the bed, "Very stubborn large bastards but they do have great craftsmanship.". 

He hopped off the ladder and picked up his cane. "She will be fine but for now let the girl rest." 

Hours went by but it didn't feel like it did. Time always seemed to never move in the chilly underground tunnels. 

Alora woke up from her sleep. Her head was spinning and she was fighting to keep what she ate the night before down. 

She hopped off the bunker and saw Layla's empty bunker. She got on her knees and took a look under the bunker for her shoes.

"Where the hell are my shoes?", she tossed around the junk under the bunker , "Ugh Layla really."

She got up with nothing in hand and left the room. She walked around the tunnels and found none of the other resistance members around. 

She walked into the large space in one of the tunnels known as the 'Hall' and saw each and every one of the resistance members gathered. They all sat quietly on whatever junk they could gather and laid their eyes on Zain and blocked out any else that wasn't his captivating voice. 

He sat on his favourite arm chair. No one ever sat on it not because they feared Zain but because it looked uncomfortable.

He sat with his legs wide apart, his hands constantly moving and his cane right beside his chair. 

"I know we are all tired and this fight has taken alot of us. The past few years have been rough and we have had small victories here but still nothing major. But I think we found somethi-."

He had his eyes locked on Alora. She tried looking away but his gaze was hard to ignore. 

"I will be back no one leave. Thomas is in charge."

He got up, picked up his cane and the people cleared a way as he walked. He touched Alora by the shoulder.

"Come with me.", he whispered, "We need to talk." 

They walked through the tunnels and went to her room. She got in and sat on the bunk. He shut the door right behind him. 

"So tell me what did you see?", Zain asked. 

Alora stared soullessly at the ground, her hand started to shake and her leg began to twitch. 

"How did you know I saw something?", she asked.

"I've lived a long life Princess. So I know that wasn't no ordinary episode. So tell me what did you see?"

 "It was like nothing I've never seen before.", Alora held onto her blue gem bracelet, "It was like a plague of death." 

"What do you mean a plague of death?" 

"There were these beasts. Unholy and somewhat unworldly creatures they were. I've never seen anything like them. All they did was destroy everything and I was just there watching. " 

Zain shivered down his spin and the air felt uneasy. 

"I ran and ran and ran and ran but eventually they got me. They fed on my body slowly. It was excruciating. I tried fighting them off but it was pointless."

"It was probably just a very bad dream.", Zain got up and headed to the door. 

"What if it wasn't?", she asked.

Zain turned his back "Dreams are funny thing but before I leave there's a meeting in the hall and I would really appreciate it if you did attend.", Zain walked out of the room. 

Alora played around with the arm bracelet and got lost staring into the big blue gem. The gem started to glow. Thomas came barging in. 

"Alora hurry up Captain Einar wants to start the meeting."

She nodded her head. She stopped playing with the bracelet and got off the bed. As Thomas was about to leave he turned back at Alora. 

"I know you are used to everyone doing everything for you.", He walked up to Alora and was all in her face, "Quite frankly that's all you royals ever were good at but I think you are just not cut out for this. Leave before you get yourself killed. You have no business here." 

Thomas walked away and slammed the door right behind him. Alora stood there and tried to hold back the tears. She took a deep breathe and marched into the meeting hall. 

"Alright people now where was I?", he scratched his grey head of hair, "Oh yes. I have been communicating with an anonymous informant for the past year. Thanks to the informant we have had small victories here and there. So the next mission is to intercept a letter from the informant." 

Alora sat next to Layla on a large part of an old rusty ox cart at the back of the hall. 

"What did I miss?", Alora asked. 

"Something about an informant and a letter.", she lowered her voice,"I bet Thomas is going to be team leader again."

"Thomas is such a prick.", Alora said.

"Tell me about it. He is so far up Zain ass."

Zain got off his chair and walked around with his cane. "So I'm going need a squad of four. As always Thomas is the squad leader for this mission." 

Everyone clapped and cheered loudly.  

"No surprise there.", Layla whispered, "I bet you two units Im not even in the squad."

"Next member of the squad is Layla." 

Everyone clapped and cheered loudly. "Oh shit.", Layla said. Alora giggled as she watched Layla go in a panic. 

"Here you go.", she handed the two unit coins to Alora.

"The Next member of the squad is Kai.", everyone clapped and cheered. 

"And finally the last member of the squad is Alora." 

The entire room fell silent and all eyes were locked on her. Her stomach sank and her fingers twitched a little.

"Woah yeah!", Layla clapped, "Go Alora!, Go Alora, Go Al-o", she slowly stopped clapping. 

She turned to Alora, "I was trying to cheer you on. Aren't I just the best fucking roomie ever", she whispered.

Thomas looked at Alora and she turned right back at him. His eyes were hostile towards her and his entire face lit up in rage. He turned away and continued to pay attention to Zain. 

"Alright, the squad members for this mission should meet me right here, after dawn to discuss the plan.", Zain said.

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