Chapter 7: A DNA Test.

“I am not really joking!”

“Then who is my father?” He asked as he gulped down a bottle of water because he felt hot on the inside, Super hot.

“Charles Williams!” Immediately Collin said that, Peter choked on the water. He felt like he was dreaming. With his eyes opened widely in shock he coughed. Charles Williams is the top five richest man in the world, and he is the CEO and founder of Williams Co-operation. Charles Williams Owns most of the clubs, Five-star restaurant, hotels and many more in Los Vegas and yes! He is multi-billionaire.

“Oh my goodness, Peter, are you okay?” Collin asked concerned when he saw that Peter choked on the water he was drinking.

Besides, everyone knows Charles Williams, and personally, he knows that the news will be a shocking one to Peter, but it was true.

Peter cleared his throat and took a couple of deep breath to Calm his nerves. “Yeah, yeah. I am fine, sir!” He said, even though he was not okay.

Collin shook his head, before he said, with a little smile lingering on his lips. “Please Peter don't call me sir, just call me uncle because I am your uncle, or you can call me Collin. You see there is no need to be all formal with me” he uttered to Peter who just looked at him with a complicated expression furrowed his brows.

“Are you confident?, you are my uncle?” He asked, still not believing what was happening and what his ear was hearing.

He was trying hard to believe everything. Not only that, but he thought at that moment that everything was a joke because what Collin said sounded impossible to him.

Collin chuckled and smiled, “Yes Peter, I am your uncle from your father's side. You see, greatness runs in our blood. When I saw you suffering in the street, I knew that you were meant to be Great. Your father is outraged that his only son, a member of the Williams family, begged for food in the street.” he said in a low voice with his brows knitted together.

Peter, who was not believing anything just, stayed quiet. Collin sighed, “I know that you are still not believing everything but don't worry I will clear all your doubts and I will also show you a nice undeniable proof so that you won't have to doubt what I am saying.” He stated, looking at Peter, who just kept a straight face.

“Alright, I am not really believing this sir… um… sorry, I meant uncle. Can you just tell me how I am related to Charles?” He asked immediately, he was out of his shock zone.

Collin nodded and took a little sip from the glass of wine he was holding. He sighed and relaxed his body on the couch before he looked at Peter, who was truly waiting for him to start talking. “You see my boy! Back, so many years ago, Charles married your mother Stella and yes, he was not that rich at that time but at least you can't call him a poor man. A year after their marriage, things started to go wrong. Stella, your mother, changed in her behavior towards your father. Your father provided her with the things she wanted with the little he had, but nope! Your mother was not satisfied. She wanted more, regardless of what Charles gave to her, and this gradually destroyed their marriage. It was obvious that she just wanted his money and didn't love him.” He took a sip from his drink And sighed again.

Peter just listened to him attentively. He couldn't help but remember the way his wife treated him. The story Collin was telling him was similar to what he passed through. 'Women are gold diggers in fact, humans are stupid gold diggers.' he mused on the inside as he was irritated.

“Continue.” He said, and Collin nodded.

“So after many fights and argument, she wanted to file for divorce, but your father Charles didn't want them to be apart because he still loved her, but she didn't care. She even found a new lover who she regularly had fun with and enjoy life with. One faithful day she figured out that she was pregnant oh yeah, she was pregnant for your father, but your mother didn't want that. She would rather not get pregnant for your father, so she planned to terminate the baby. That's why I said you are a great person because you wouldn't have even existed if she terminated you. I guess everything happens for a reason. Well, you know the heart of a Mother, she couldn't bring herself to terminate her baby even though she wanted to. I guess it gave her sleepless nights and yeah, she finally made up her mind not to terminate her baby, but she Never told Charles for one day that she was pregnant. She stayed with him for some few months, but when the pregnancy started showing a little you know the baby bump, she ran away from Charles until she gave birth to you. Well, I think she regretted having you in the first place because according to the information I got, she tried plenty of times to kill you, but she couldn't. She saw you as a burden in her life, and I guess she hated you, so she had to keep you in the orphanage and go away. She wanted to continue her life without you. Furthermore, she later came back to Charles, but after some few months, she ran away from him again.

For so many years, Charles was not Aware of this and yes, he knew that she ran away from him because she left a letter for him and also filed a divorce paper. Your father was in pain, but yes, they got divorced. After some years, your father hit the jack pot and yeah, he became the billionaire he is right now.

We were only aware of this last four years ago and around the time you Relocated to Los Vegas with your Ex wife. After so many investigations, it was well proven that you are Charles only son. Charles my brother never wanted to get married again because of what happened in the past, and also he figured out that he couldn't impregnate a woman when something happened to him but now, finally finding a heir who will represent him, take care of him and his company is a blessing to him.” Collin added and took a sip from the wine. He looked like he really enjoyed telling Peter the story.

Peter, who was listening just, remained quiet. He didn't even know what to say because he was trying to digest all the information. Yes, life was indeed complicating. Somehow, he felt a little hatred towards his mom for everything. The story was just similar to what he passed through. “Wow just wow.” He couldn't help but say that. His brows were knitted together, a little.

Collin signed in relieve, “I know this is a lot for you to take in, but just know that everything happened for a reason. Seeing you suffer all this while was something that pained me a lot. I made a really detailed search about everything concerning you, and I know that you have passed through a lot. Even from your wife, friends, In-laws and many more but just know that everything that happens have reason. Just smile now because you won't have to pass through hell again. You are a William And you are great.” He said and smiled at him. Collin was a man in his mid-fifties, but he looked young and fresh. He was not tall, but average. His short brown hair complimented his brown pair of eyes. He looked matured and he looked fitted.

Peter just smiled a little, as he was lost in his thoughts. He didn't really feel like talking much, as he wanted to make sure that he was not dreaming. “Wow, I am still surprised, uncle. I just can't believe this at all.” He said to Collin, who had a lovely smile on his lips. It was so obvious that the old man loves Peter Even from the way he speaks to Peter, smiles at Peter And even from the way he looks at Peter.

“Well, you have to believe me, my boy! We have a lot in store for you and trust me from today, things will take an excellent turn for you and that is not a joke. I am happy too, as you can see, and I think we need to celebrate this, but first you need to see your father.” He informed Peter. Peter looked at him a little, as it was obvious that he didn't want that.

Collin noticed that Peter didn't feel okay with what he said. “Loosen up Peter. You have nothing to worry about. He is your father. I know you might be nervous, but trust me when I say that you have nothing to doubt or to even be nervous about.”

Peter signed deeply and smiled. “Alright if you say so uncle, but don't you think I need to take a DNA test to confirm if all this is true because you might be mistaking Me for someone else.” He said, and it was obvious that he was still doubting everything.

Collin laughed as he stood up. “You are just like your father, seeing is believing but don't worry if you need a DNA test to confirm all this, then let's go, so you can take one” Collin Uttered looking at Peter with a wide smile.

Peter nodded his head in a yes. “Alright let's go.” He said before the two of them walked out of the parlor. Collin looked happy, while Peter just had a straight face on.

After getting out of the house, Peter and Collin entered inside a car. Peter was still amazed by the things he was seeing, But his mind was not there. There was a total silence in the car. Peter was just in his world of thoughts, while Collin was just on his phone. After some minutes drive, they both arrived at a colossal hospital.

The driver parked the car and opened the door for Collin and Peter. People around the hospital immediately stared at them. Most eyes were all on Peter as they wondered who was the handsome man that was with Collin Williams. Peter was a little uncomfortable with the stare, but he just brushed it off. Some people around started taking pictures and videos. Collin just had a smile on his face as he couldn't wait to show the whole world who Peter was.

They Both entered inside an elevator, and soon they arrived at the highest floor of the hospital. Immediately the elevator opened, Peter was just wowed. Much people were not around the Floor because the highest floor of the building was only meant for the Williams to use only. Peter was indeed amazed.

A man with black hair, a honey colored eyes and light skin approached them and he was putting on a doctor's outfit.

“Mr. Collin, it is Nice to see you.” He said, and extended his hand for a handshake, And they both shook hands.

“How are you doing, Max?” He asked, as he seemed to be in a happy mood.

“I am doing great.” Max replied as he darted his eyes to Peter.

“Meet my nephew Peter.” Collin said and Max looked shocked.

“Nephew?” He asked to confirm.

“Yes, he is Charles son.” Collin said, and Max eyes flew wide open with his mouth hang open.

“Wow. Nice to meet you, sir.” He said immediately with respect, and Peter just gave him a little smile. “It is a pleasure.” Peter replied.

“Anyway, that's a secret, Max do don't tell anyone until further notice.” Collin uttered.

“Alright, you have a deal. So, how can I help the both of you?” He asked as his eyes were on Peter.

“We are here for a DNA test to confirm something. So just get to it immediately.” Collin said, and max nodded immediately. Soon Peter took the test and in some minutes, the test result came out. Collin had a smile on his lips as he waited to receive the result.

“Here is the test result.” Max said, looking at Peter with a complicated Expression, but there was a little smile hanging on his lips.

Collin took the result and gave it to Peter. Peter with a beating heart he slowly looked at the result.

“What the….”


Hey my dear readers, I am glad that you are reading this book and I promise to make it more interesting and nice. Please don't forget to comment about the book because your comments means A lot to me as it motivates me to write. Love Hunni

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