Chapter 16

Tring... tring

Suddenly there was the sound of a small bell from inside the Fire Element classroom.

I and some of the students who were still outside the classroom started to walk into the classroom. And it turns out that the sound of the bells indicates that classroom learning is about to begin.

I started entering the classroom and looking for an empty seat for me. In this classroom, the students sit in a circle around the teacher who will later teach and the teacher is right in the middle of the students.

Although the Fire Element classroom is quite large and spacious, it turns out that the number of students there is only small number of only about 20 children. This makes the seats between one student and another student far apart from each other.

After successfully getting a seat I started looking around the room. All the faces of the children I saw at this time looked very unfamiliar and there was not a single person I knew.

But it's not unusual for me to not know any of them bec
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