Laura Is The Murderer.

When Barter returned to Snake Eye's franchise where he had left Mr. Ban to meet with Magnet, he didn't know what to tell Mr. Ban.

How would he relate Laura to Alina, his sister?

Barter had thought of blaming it on coincidence, but it was too far-fetched.

But the closer he got to Mr. Ban, the more he knew that he had to come up with an explanation, something, anything. He had taken permission from Mr. Ban to check on something important that had to do with his sister, so, he definitely had to give Mr. Ban feedback.

Mr. Ban was delighted when he saw Barter making his way back to him.

He trusted his other bodyguards to an extent, but he only felt safe when Barter was with him.

''How did it go, old sport?'' Mr. Ban asked with a raised voice as he watched Barter walk up to him.

Barter was about to open his mouth to say something to Mr. Ban when he noticed Bane.

Barter frowned instantly.

He frowned as if he had seen something that had a disgusting odor.

He looked at Mr. Ban, asking Mr
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