Chapter nine

[Night time]:

Loki stepped into the mansion in the middle of the night, his shirt was stained with blood and his heart was pounding like never before.

Loki went up the stairs continuously and tried to suppress the pains at the same time. Finally, he reached his room and opened the door only to find his twin brother seated on his bed and watching the door which Loki had just opened.

"Where did you go?" Loki's twin brother, Dean, asked him.

Loki ignored Dean's question and went passed Dean and into his bathroom to wash up. Just as Loki took off his shirt and put it in the sink, his twin walked into the same bathroom. Dean turned on the water and helped Loki in rinsing off the blood stains on the shirt Loki had just taken off, all while in silence.

Loki left Dean to it and entered the shower.

"When will this stop? You are not exactly helping things." Dean asked Loki while Loki was in the shower.

"It will end when I say it will," Loki answered him and increased the shower so he wouldn't h
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