The girl isn’t Kush's girlfriend!
Aura and Emir are both in front of Aura's house. Since Emir is ill, so it is not possible for him to ride his bike, Alif has brought a car to pick him up. And Haxer took Emir's bike. Alif drove, Emir and Aura in the back seat. After reaching in front of Aura's house, Alif asked to call Aura as she was sleeping. But Emir forbade, there was a lot of pressure on Aura all day. She didn't have time to rest. So, Emir doesn't want to wake her up. He said we'll wait until Aura wakes up. After Aura's sleep is broken, we will leave as soon as she goes inside the house.

"Mom, why don't you burn the coil, biting me with mosquitoes?" Aura says this in her sleep. She doesn't know where she is. Suddenly, wicked intelligence played in Emir's head. He said,

"If the coil is lit in the car, we will all have to die in the fire, my child. Alif gets countless laughs at Emir's words. But when Emir gestured, Alif grinning. Then Aura says again,

"Mother, why is your voice like that of a man?"

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