Amanda POV (2)
It ached to move the body, but that wasn't the issue to her; what mattered was that she could now finally move her body.

She could move it if she chose to as the long-lost sensation and control over her body had returned. It simply needs some time to recuperate and heal to properly control.

She did, however still gently and strugglingly turn her head to gaze at the man peacefully sleeping next to her.

The innocent expression he maintained on his face was the same when he was comforting her during the treatment.

And although it was still a little too much for her to move around with this body that hadn't fully recovered, she wanted to touch and caress his face like he did to her.

Amanda didn't let this stop her, though, as she made a small movement with her hand and eventually managed to contact him after some difficulty.

Now that her hands were on top of his, Amanda delicately savoured the sensation of his rough yet smooth palms entwining with her own.

Her heart and body, which had ne
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