Subordinate (4)

The golden sun rays stream through the window, falling on Catherine, announcing the arrival of the sun. She slowly opens her eyes to adjust her vision to the bright light.

She awakens and yawns while stretching her body. Catherine couldn't recognize the room in which she woke. She rubs her eyes, still staring at her unfamiliar surroundings. The ceiling, bed, and each corner of the room looked different to her.

The family photo on the wall opened her eyes to the reality she faced these days. She remembered the appearance of monsters, the death of her parents, and arriving at this house to get help from Tejasv. She forgot all the stress after spending a whole night sleeping.

She looked around for a clock. On the right wall, there was one showing eight in the morning. She recalls being a famous actress, a servant bringing her juice, and another preparing her shower. But now she is alone in this unknown house with an unfamiliar man.

As she steps onto the floor, Catherine realizes she
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