“Why would you do that? Come on, Hunter!” Alamid frustratedly asked Hunter the moment they entered the house, “I want to stay quiet and finish my semester as is!”

“You want me to what, stop? Ala, look,” Hunter heaved, “What do you want me to do? Let them bully you? In front of my eyes? No fucking way! You’ve had enough!”

“But I can manage! Did you see how his face stitches? Man, I did that!” Hunter halted when he heard Alamid’s pride, “I never had the chance to fight back against anyone who makes fun of me, but dang! I’m satisfied with that, and even I nearly got suspended; good thing you’re rich and influential.”

“You fucked up, dude,” Hunter chuckled while shaking his head, “I didn’t know you could punch that hard; why don’t you attend martial art classes? I can enroll you, you know, for your own safety,”

“I’ll take note of that; I will let you know,” Alamid nodded, “Hey, I have an upcoming trip; can I come?”

Hunter scoffed, “Go on, just don’t fuck women there,”

“You nasty creature!
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