Aunt Intan or who?

"Exactly," said Sandy.

 "Hahaha ... Just kidding. I asked Mr. Mamat, not stealing," he continued.

 Everyone could finally breathe a sigh of relief. It was natural for them to be worried. Previously there had been an incident of banana theft in the garden. The thief was someone from another village. Surprisingly, the thief even returned the bananas he had stolen to Mr. Mamat. He said he could not be terrorized by a ghost wrapper. Until now, no one knows whether the ghost figure is indeed Mr. Mamat's pet whom he ordered to guard his garden or just a ghost who happens to inhabit the area. It's a mystery that hasn't been solved yet, but it's not really that important either.

 "Instead of staying silent, let's talk about something," said Sendy.

 "What story?" asked Miya.

 "In accordance with what is viral in this village," said Sendy.

 "Don't be kidding me. What if I don't dare to go home?" Mia asked.

 "You can stay here too. Hahaha."

 "That's fine. As long as you sleep outside," Miya said.

 "If that's the case, you'd better go home. After all, your house and Nana's house aren't too far from here. You can just walk there," said Sendy. The others stifled laughter.

 The atmosphere at night is far from scary. That's because they are still together. that way, fear is not easy to appear in their hearts. Likewise, ghosts may also not dare to appear in front of many people.

 However, a bad idea crossed Sendy's mind. The burly man stupidly invited his friends to discuss mystical things. Even though people say, if they are talked about, then it's the same as inviting them. Even reading a story about them is also inviting their presence.

 "I think tonight someone will see that ghost again," said Sendy.

 "Wow, don't talk about it! Later when that ghost shows up, you'll know how you feel," said Rio.

 "No, listen to my story first! There used to be an incident like this in my grandmother's village. Every night there are people who claim to see ghost. It happens continuously and ends when the ghost's body is found," said Sendy.

 "So you're saying that ghost terrorizing our village are actually dead people whose bodies haven't been properly buried?" asked Rio.

 While stroking his beard, Sendy confirmed what Rio said.  Now he is like a psychic who knows everything about the supernatural. It is a matter of pride for him.

 "Aunt Marni," said Thomas.

 "What do you mean by Aunt Marni?" asked Nana.

 "Could it be Aunt Marni who became a ghost?" guessed Thomas.

 "You mean Aunt Marni is dead? I don't think it's possible. Because people say, she went to her family's place outside the city. But no one knows what the name of the city is and who her family is," said Sendy.

 "How do you know?" asked Thomas.

 "When my father and several other villager searched her house, they found writing on a piece of paper. It was written that Aunt Marni said goodbye to all the villagers that she wanted to live in her family's house which is outside the city," said Sendy.

 Unbelievable. If that was true, why hadn't he heard the news about it? That was what Thomas was thinking at the moment. But whatever the reason, there is no other choice but to just believe. After all, if his guess was correct that Aunt Marni had become a wandering ghost, shouldn't the ghost have existed since three days ago? But the village was only shaken by a ghost terror last night.

 "It seems that what Sendy said is true. Just last night it happened. I heard a woman's cry when I was playing a game. It is very likely that the crying came from a ghost that terrorized our village. About why she was crying, maybe she needed help to find her body," said Thomas.

 "Wait! The cry? Where did the crying come from?" Miya asked.

 "I don't know either. That voice is low. Maybe from outside the house," said Thomas.

 "Hahaha ... You're wrong. If the voice is low, it means that the ghost is in a place very close to you. Maybe that ghost is also in your room. Under your bed, in your cupboard or above it, or it could be in the corner of your room. And vice versa. If that voice is loud, that ghost is actually in a place far from you. That means last night you probably slept with ghost," said Sendy.

Then, how was Thomas' expression when he heard Sendy's words? Of course he was shocked half to death. However, he wasn't the brave type. Especially when it comes to dealing with invisible creatures.

 He was so scared he couldn't speak anymore. His mind was only focused on last night's event. If only he had known about it from the start, he might have run from his room last night. Which human would want to share a room with a ghost?

 "I need to pee. Let's go to the toilet first, Sen," said Thomas.

 "Yes, please. It's free, there's no charge," said Sendy. The others laughed softly.

 Not wanting to respond to the host's words, Thomas rushed to the toilet. But when he arrived in the kitchen, the house lights suddenly went out. He was a bit surprised actually, but afterward he thought that it was all the doing of his friends.

 "Damn them. less work," he said and decided to go back.

 However, there was one thing that caught his attention.  He vaguely saw someone other than him in the kitchen. From his eyes, it was a woman. He only looked at it for a moment before finally deciding to ask.

 "Aunt Intan," he called. It was the name of Sendy's mother.

 The one he called did not answer. Didn't even look up. The woman kept her back to him as if she was busy with something on the kitchen table. Thomas again tried to call the person.

 "Aunt Intan, I want to go to the toilet, but suddenly the light goes out. What are you doing, Aunt Intan?" he asked.

 But, the same thing happened again. He received no answer to his question. Questions began to arise in his heart. About who, why and what. However, he decided to quickly leave that place while half running. While running, he was suddenly startled by a sound that echoed in his ears. He even jumped in surprise. What is that sound?

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