The Creatures Of Death

" Run! Run! Run!" Dawn shouted from above a tree. " Run as your lives depend on this."

Today he was training his follower with Kevin, and all of them thought that the training would be easier but he pushed them to their limit. Leona wasn't giving up despite being the weakest among everyone, even Luna was better than her when it came to stamina. She was the skinniest among the bunch.

' I have to Run faster to become stronger, that's what he said. I can not give up.' Leona encouraged herself in her mind and ran as fast as she can without giving up.

She was being fed more than enough food for the first time in her life and she wanted to repay her savior for this. As Dawn told her, she would be fighting for him so she needed to be strong to not disappoint him.

Dawn himself was running but he had already completed his fifty rounds on the decided route. The others were not even finished with half of it, everyone was amazed by his ability to run.

The fastest among everyone was Brook, followed by Felix, Luna, Hans, Cole, and then Leona. Cole was also participating in the training despite being shy. He didn't interact too much with anyone but took care of some small chores such as gathering wood and picking up wood logs to make a barricade for the livestock they were now raising, he would also do some other tasks to make himself somehow useful.

Cole was slow because he was the youngest among everyone, but was trying his best. Meanwhile, Kevin was just observing, pitying the living being who had to work hard like this to become strong. All he had to is eat the souls of living beings he had killed.

As if sensing him enjoying the View, Dawn looked toward him, making Kevin alert.

' Kevin go and scout the forest, I am feeling something is off with the forest.'


" You have worked hard, eat this." You can go take a bath, I will prepare something tasty for you.

" What about us?" Brook questioned.

" I have no authority to tell you what to do," Misha said. " I have food ready for everyone." She helped Cole to get up and move and then she looked toward Dawn.

" You should also take a Bath, young Dawn." Misha said, " Children should develop good habits from a young age."

" But I am not a child." Dawn replied, " And, why do you think you have the authority to tell me what to do."

" Because you are just a child."

" Pfft!" Felix laughed, " Master smells, as his follower I don't like it."

" Alright, I am going. Come on Cole, and you Misha, make sure my food is more delicious than others." He pointed a finger at her to order.

Cole followed behind him when they went to take a bath. There was a river in the forest, where you would normally find animals drinking water as the water was clear in this part of the area.

Cole was a boy with red hair, red eyes, and bright skin so Dawn had already guessed that he was some kind of noble running for his life.

" Hey Cole, what is your full name?" Dawn asked.

" My name is just Cole, please I can not answer more than that." He replied in a low voice and then hid in the water.

" You are noble, right? I could tell, if you want to hide it then it's not my business."

Cole felt guilty for not telling the truth to Dawn, who not only saved him but was also protecting him from the dangers.

" You can make me strong, right?" Cole asked.

" Why would I make you strong?" Dawn asked in return for his question.

" But you agreed to train me?"

" That's what anybody can learn, I am going to give true strength to my followers through me," Dawn replied, it made Cole think for a few moments, should he have asked Dawn to make him a follower as well but quickly dismissed the idea.

' There are some weird monsters in this forest. ' Kevin sent a message through their mind link. ' There are wolfs with bat wings and horns on their head. '

' Lure one of them here as near as possible and kill it when it's nearby our hideout.'

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