Ch 26 - Assassination Attempt II

Clay was sitting in the carriage where the corpse lay on his foot.

He had spent the last few minutes to calm himself down.

His breathing had returned to normal and his face had turned cold.

The previous shaking and shivering in his body had stopped completely.

'Lets see what is going on outside.'

The last few minutes he spent on calming himself down, he had heard creaking and thudding noises coming from outside of his carriage.

He hadn't looked out of the window.

He came to a conclusion that the carriages were under attack.

He hadn't gone or looked out because he wanted to be emotionally stable.

Now that he was, he opened the door and came out.

As soon as he came out he saw some guards were killed and some of them were not in their positions.

The area they were currently at was a forest, there was a dense forest apart from the clean road made for the carriages and caravans.

Clay silently made his way towards the forest
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